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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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288 results found

  1. App not accepting sleep times. Please update app

    Update the app so it accepts the hours of sleep logged. Every time I enter sleep time it changes to random hours slept during the day

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  2. Improve uptime of app

    The app when in use constantly freezes and/or slow to load. This makes tracking my weights in a gym session slow and reduces the time I actively work.
    Easy fix. Sort out your connectivity.

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  3. Update to fix bugginess and battery life drain.

    Update so app isn’t so buggy. Makes my phone freeze and drains my iPhone battery within an house and 30 mins. I can be at 100% and boom 12% within about an hour and 15-30 mins. Sometimes I barely get done with my workout before my phone is almost dead on 0%. It’s absolutely horrible on my iPhone 12 Pro Max battery. This is the only app that drains my battery so hard.

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  4. Allow me to navigate through the app even if I’m in the middle of a cardio activity or workout.

    Currently, when an active cardio activity or workout session is in progress, I cannot navigate to any other screen in the app. I am only limited to the one page u til I end the session. I would like to start a workout for example and see my plan and log book as normal, but I would also like to navigate to my calendar or dashboard or messages with that session still open in the background. I would then like to be able to navigate to my open session, and work through the plan as normal.

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  5. Team Member direct messaging

    (1) Team members should be able to Direct message their fellow team mates and coaches.

    (2) Ability to look at team members profile.

    (3) In chat, ability to click on members photo and see larger picture of their photo.

    (4) in chat, ability to click on members name and go to their profile and see accomplishments, workouts, and badges.

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  6. Add a Notes section

    Add a free-form notes section for users to leave notes from their training activity (ie lbs of weight used; extra workouts, wins & challenges from the workouts.

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  7. Improve platform reliability and stability

    The app frequently stops working on wifi for me. There also seem to be issues between the desktop version and what's uploaded there by my trainer vs. What I see on my device. Bring back my ability to see and edit my schedule on the desktop version please. Overall, please improve the reliability and stability of the platform.

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  8. Offline video watching without internet

    My gym is underground and I have a lot of troubles to load the video that my coach gives me. Can you do a cache / offline system for video ? So we can load video even without internet connection

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  9. Simple UI/UX improvements

    1 - don’t default to taking a picture to add a meal
    2 - don’t default to a meal time that’s already been entered - if it’s a dinner and I’m adding more it should…
    - add on to dinner or
    - default to snack; and
    - the meal selection should be placed at the end of the screen after meals have been input (so I not am surprised by a pop up)
    3 - the moment I change the qty of a searched food, the app should default to adding a check next to that food - many times…

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  10. Don’t have the app go dark and require me to sign back into my phone

    Don’t allow the phone to go dark while using the app. Frustrating to have to keep signing back in. It used to stay on the entire time. Not sure what changed.

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  11. Alternative exercise routines

    A place to add heal issues which will make workouts appropriate for one needing joint replacements or with back issues which require epidurals or SI injections. This makes many exercises not appropriate.

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  12. Steps Widget

    The widget on the desktop only reports the current value. It should pull from the table where the data is recorded.

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  13. Note section. Menstrual cycle to track best training days

    A place to track menstrual cycle. This gives a better picture of low energy days and hi energy days, when to rest. A note section to track illness, or reason for missing workouts or hitting a personal best

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  14. 3 votes

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  15. Can you please extend the streak time?

    Can you please extend the streak time? By the time I get home from work and get stuff sorted and then get to the gym, it’s late. By the time I complete my challenges, it tells me in order to continue my streak, I need to complete the next day by 9am or 12pm (I forget which one). But people need sleep and people go to work. I couldn’t complete 2 days worth in 12-15 hours but also am competitive with myself and would appreciate seeing my streaks and accomplishments.

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  16. Save my workout data along the way so when it continues to crash mid-workout, all my entries arent deleted

    Save my workout data along the way so when it continues to crash mid-workout, all my entries arent deleted

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  17. Optimize the performance of the app

    This app is very slow and causes a lot of issues such as when you click a video and exit out it lowers the volume of your headphones and you some times have to close out the app to get them back to normal. Also it is slow and glitchy. Whenever putting in numbers it glitches. Work on performance. If you need a dev to help out I can help look for deficiencies in the app and where to improve but I’m sure you have a dev team to sort this out. There are a ton of performance issues you…

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  18. Lagging

    Willing to have a less lagging experience and smoother use. Like a similar app called “strong workout tracker gym log”

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  19. Zoom in on text - it is so small

    Some of the text is so small - wish there was a way to zoom in

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  20. Notification/ streak pop ups

    Don’t give a streak notification or any new screen pop up after i mark off something on my to do list.

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