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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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241 results found

  1. week review on sundays

    Being able to see the prior week review. All your macros, your workouts you completed that week. It makes it a lot easier to complete an assessment with trainer if you can go back and look at all you did the prior week in one step.

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  2. I’d like to be able to enter additional habits myself from my own phone

    I would like to be able to track and remind myself about other habits that have to do with health and wellness on my own from my own phone. For example, I want to do compression therapy as often as possible, cold plunge or cryo therapy, red light therapy, meditation, etc

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  3. Stretch Option

    add an option for dynamic and static stretching for before and after workouts to prevent injury

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  4. Ice bath tracker

    Have an option to track when you do an ice bath. Include timing, date, time of day and temperature of water

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  5. 76648

    It helps me alot

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  6. Let me post my own activities + improve custom recipes

    Let me add my own activities for the day, Physical therapy, stretching, foam rolling, sauna, how much water I drank etc. I also build custom recipes but then on the meal plan it doesn’t let me pull those. I have to recreate them again there which is a huge pain point. I also would like to include my own recipes in the generated meal plans so I can buy the things I like to eat regularly instead of making special grocery trips. The app called lose it also let me input a recipe via URL link and I loved that…

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  7. Add the year to all your dates - like goals achived

    When displaying the dates - the year is not part of it. Only the day and month. This gets confusing when you are using the app for moor than ons year.

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  8. Ability to add habits to master programm

    When offering scalable Challenges or Programs I would like to enter different habits within the master Program too. (Additional to the automatic messaging, workouts/activities etc).

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  9. Adding a “notes for self” section

    It will be nice if there is a “notes to self” section where I can keep notes for myself about nutrition, activity, goals extra

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  10. A delete button to edit sleep hour when you type it in wrong

    We should be able to adjust our sleep times after we add them in case we type it in wrong. Also can you add a nap category and a bedtime category. A lot of us work nights and nap when we flip our schedules

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  11. Quick click option

    Allow a setting that allows you to quickly click and mark things off the to do list. I don't want to select the water, then selected completed, then get a congrats screen that I have to x out if then x out of the water screen to go back and do the same for the steps and stuff. I want ro be able to just click the circle and ha e them checked off.

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  12. Mood tracker

    A feature where you can track your mood. The use of smiley faces could work well with maybe a little box where you can type down why you may feel this way.

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  13. Weekly workout progression.

    In the workout section, where you type in each rep and weight. It would be great if underneath it is says "previous workouts rep count and weight".

    That way you can easily see what you did last workout and progress right then and there instead of having to find it in the app to see.

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  14. Back Track Marking Habits and Count Towards Streak

    I would like to be able to create a habit and mark previous days of completing the habit and have it count towards the streak. The streaks are very motivating to me.

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  15. Be able to add notes to diary e.g. tracking menstrual cycle and energy levels. As we know the menstrual cycle has a huge impact on training

    Be able to add notes to diary e.g. tracking menstrual cycle and energy levels. As we know the menstrual cycle has a huge impact on training. As a women's health coach tracking your cycle is critical alongside training and energy levels. Also symptoms such as back pain, joint aches etc often flare - up in certain parts of a woman's cycle so this would enable her to see what issues are attributable to hormone fluctuations and work with them.

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  16. Noom

    In collaboration with noom for tips and tricks for creating better habits and accountability inbetween check-ins.

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  17. Set a weight goal

    A dashboard feature that lets you set a desired weight goal and shows your progress towards that goal as you update your body stats. (If this is already a feature then make it easier to use because I haven’t been able to find the “set goal” area of the app)

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  18. A diary/notes addition

    Somewhere to record thoughts/feelings when we might need. E.g., times we struggle or when we feel good. So we can reflect and see what's going on. Especially if fighting bad habits or improving relationships with food. Might just help the trainer understand what's going on even more because by the time check in comes around, we might be fine and have forgotten the struggles or challenges faced throughout the week.

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  19. Dont like new logging update

    On octc7th new features added for logging. Do not like them hard to see time eaten and don't like having to go into another drop down to add food. You used to be able to hit meal and update food log per meal. Font is smaller now too, don't like it!

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  20. One click to check items

    It's a small thing but something that really bugs me. I wish the app would allow me to click once to check things off my list. At the moment I press the empty bullet icon, then have to press complete, then press the x to get back to my screen. Clicking the bullet icon should be enough.

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