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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1143 results found

  1. See rest times and notes in exercise history

    When clicking on an exercise to see the history, you can see the workout name, reps, and sets.

    Seeing rest times and comments/notes made on the workout would be helpful

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  2. Add an audible countdown during rest

    When the rest timer reaches 10 sec, it would be cool to have an audible countdown so people can start getting ready ahead of the rest being over to maximize workout time.

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  3. toggle switch to change from m to yards for golf tracking

    I cannot get my fenix 5 to show yards for golfing which is very bothersome. I have tried everything I can think of or found on internet. I want almost everything else on my watch in metric for tracking except for golf. Can garmin not have a simple toggle switch in golf tracking app to toggle from m to yards?

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  4. 3 votes

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  5. Provide class options that can be substituted for workouts

    Instead of just having the workout, give classes that will work in place of the workout provided.

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  6. 2 votes

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  7. 27 votes

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  8. Save your favourite workouts

    Be able to “favourite” workouts. I use this for mobility exercises so having a place to store the best ones would be great!

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  9. Choose apple health exercise type

    In apple health, my workouts currently show as “Cross Training” or “Other” and I would like them to show as “Strength Training”

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  10. Sync to Apple calendar

    So my work calendar can help determine when my work outs should be performed

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  11. Connect to heart rate monitor/chest strap.

    Connect to lifetime heart rate monitor/chest strap with stats from the other lifetime app so it’s all in one place. And I don’t have to start 2 apps.

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  12. Ability to download videos to app for offline viewing.

    Feature: Would be great to enable video download so you can make offline trainings. (Netflix app is a great example)

    Problem: We are limited to make training while we have internet, in case you need to do it during the day and in other place you are attached to this condition.

    Thank you for such a great training program and app¡

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  13. highlight allready done sets

    once you hit the star on rest time between sets, the ste allready done, should change color, a lighter grey maybe or something that shows you in what set you are or witch one is next, sometimes i dont remeber of i just finish set 3 or 4 on longer sets excercises

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  14. add a check mark on completed exercises

    Add int a check mark on completed exercises helps to easily start back without trying to remember where you left off

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  15. Give trainers ability to color code exercises that are placed directly in regular routine

    My trainer will put substitutions right in my workout. My workout gets muddled that way, but would be easier to go through if the subs were a different color, allowing client to skip over it if it's not needed that day. Also, good for when a trainer wants to place optional exercises for days when a client wants to go harder. Color coding required, optional, and subs would make everything more organized.

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  16. I’d like to carry over weight and reps from previous workout.

    I have to leave my current workout and go back to previous workout to remember weight or reps of what I did and then when I come back to current all data is deleted. It’s frustrating

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  17. Make it possible to choose a favorite workout

    Adding workouts are a tedious task in the app.
    Make it easier to add favorites to choose from.

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  18. Bring back the timer sound please

    All of a sudden my timer has stopped making the ping sound and only causes a small vibrate. I’ve checked my settings and turned on the ringer on my phone (iPhone) and it still won’t sound.

    I like having the sound on so I can get under the bar and hear the stop during intervals.

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  19. Complete a workout quickly

    Sometimes I complete a clients workout for them in the app while I’m training them, but have already entered the weights and reps on the comprehensive workout sheet. I find it very time consuming to then go and have to re-enter all their reps and weights otherwise it doesn’t show up on the history.

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  20. 7 votes

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