Ability to delete a set of exercises added in error
If you add a set in error, ability to delete it.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for coming to the idea forum and adding your vote to this idea.
We’re keeping this set to ‘Not Right Now’, as this isn’t something we have any immediate plans to implement.
You can simply leave it blank and it will not save that entry.
If we do have any new information to share, rest assured we’ll check back in here with a new status.
Michelle Hergenhan commented
This is clearly a coding error and glitch and should be resolved. This is not an enhancement. There should be a legit undo button for accidents. Period. If youre a developer, and a good one, you'd have caught this on the design phase and fixed it as soon as it was raised as an issue.
Brett East commented
Trevor, is there at least a way to know what sets were added by the 'add set button'? It's all well and good to say "simply leave it blank", but it's so easy to bump the new set button, I often don't know if I've bumped it or if my trainer has added another set to my workout that week.
Sheldon Chetty commented
So is this feature ever going to be incorporated ?
[Deleted User] commented
Is there any update on this? New to the app and accidentally added new set last week, couldn’t delete it as didn’t do set. Difficult to explain to my PT, surely could just add a delete set button? Thanks guys!
Cole Canning commented
I can't even fathom how this isn't available