Create an Apple TV app
Have an Apple TV app so those who use the in app videos can display it on the tv. I have an at home gym and it would be cool not to have my phone to do the workouts.

Megan Swire commented
Sections to choose where we would pick any workout we wanted. Group them in their own icon
Sandro commented
An AppleTV app would be amazing. I've got an old TV and an AppleTV in my garage gym and having an app would make it so much easier to work out with larger videos and a better display. With so many people working out at home during the pandemic, this would be a huge win! Get your devs on this!
Anonymous commented
Apple TV app for workout videos when they start up.
Anonymous commented
App on Apple Watch and apple tv
Anonymous commented
I have two children who while I’m working out try to mess with my phone so I put it up but then I can’t see my workouts on my screen. So having a mirroring option to the tv would be great!