Sync with amazfit

Anonymous commented
It should be compatible with multiple devices
Jeremy Calderon commented
Please 🙏🏻 make this app compatible for Amazfit or zepp app
Uttam Chandrashekhar commented
Yes, support for non main stream watches and apps will help. The amazefit watches are infact really good and feature rich and thus popular
Christi van Schalkwyk commented
Zepp, amazfit compatible.
Rinaldo Dorman commented
Connection with the Zepp app which supports the Amazfit devices.
Cristina Ristea commented
Would be great to sync with other not so we'll known brands of watches to allw you to better keep a record of your steps, calories burned etc
Paul commented
It would be great to link the Amazfit/Zepp app. The restriction of only having Fitbit is awful! Please add the Amazfit option