Edit or delete sleep option
Provide the ability to edit your sleep if you accidentally entered it in wrong.

Will Douglas commented
I was disappointed this wasn’t available as you can edit the other stats. Sleep is very important to have accurate stats
Chris Jones commented
please add some adjustment feature.
Sarah commented
It's a new year and the same old problem
Mike Blackburn commented
Still can't edit sleeping hours...
Eiren commented
September 2023, still can’t edit
Sharon Hamilton commented
June 21, 2023
Still cannot edit or delete a sleep entry. -
Darrin E commented
I might be unique but I enter my sleep every morning manually. About every 15 times or so 8 enter it wrong. eg pick the wrong day or am vs pm. Once you hit save currently there is no way to edit. Please consider allowing this change.
Derek Stephens commented
You can modify this .. Just add the entry again using the date that you want to replace.
Jackie Beery commented
Need the ability to correct errors made on sleep tracking entries. Most of the comments asking for this feature are 1-2 years old. Is there any hope that you’ll be addressing this issue?
Ellenie Davila commented
The ability to edit sleep after saving. Currently it let's me add but not edit sleep schedules
glenn lasiuta commented
Allow user to edit any "my progress" stat at any time. Currently, I am unable to go back and edit my sleep records. When you enter sleep end time first, it seems to default the start time to the same day, and before I figured out it was doing that, I logged several days of 15+ hours sleep which is obviously incorrect
Christopher Guy commented
When it's communicating with my fitbit the time entered is 19 hrs when I slept 7 hrs. The wake up time is showing pm when it should show am.
Michael Cook commented
I stopped uploading sleep times after it was entered wrong and I can't edit it. The ability to pull my data from Garmin isn't that hard, you need the api to get the data.
Angie Dauer commented
The time I go to bed to the time I get up I'd the not the time I sleep. Ability to enter approx hours of sleep would be better or a good addition for those of us with any form of insomnia.
Crystal commented
Also, comments started in June 2020. PLEASE update the app. It is now Oct 2021.
User satisfaction would increase if we are all able to edit our sleep entries.
Crystal commented
I made an error and now it shows 42 hours of sleep for one day. I would like to be able to fix this.
Marcello Antonio Dreier commented
With the phone app I did double log my sleep and now my numbers are +11 hours instead of 5h30min
Can't edit it on the phone!
Please adjust that option!
Anonymous commented
Sleep edit
Anonymous commented
I'd like to be able to edit my entries. For example: the sleep was recorded wrong and I want to correct it. I don't get a clear picture with wrong information.
Also.. body stats-- I forgot to enter one Stat and tried to enter it later, but could not. -
Anonymous commented
Make it easier to edit, sync, and input.