Turn off the voice telling me over and over that it cannot read my heart rate.
The app is obviously getting my heart rate as it shows on the app but every 20 seconds, if I bend my wrist the darn voice shows up saying it cannot read my heart rate. It is so annoying I almost don’t want to use your app. 1-2 reminders per workout is adequate.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to feedback.trainerize.com to add your vote to other ideas.
Grey commented
It is super annoying to not be able to turn off the audio error for “I can’t read your heart rate from your Apple Watch”
PNWmtnBKR commented
I get it too. Since the last update. Others have posted this issue as well.
Shane Baker commented
This! I would love to option to turn this announcement off, it happens so often - all of a sudden in the last week or so. It’s really distracting when you’re listening to music and working out and all of a sudden, a few times a minute “I can’t read your heart rate right now...” plays
Shane Baker commented
Yes! Definitely please at least give us the option to stop the app from announcing that it can’t read my heart rate. It goes off constantly!
Edward commented
When working out the app regularly notifies me that it can’t read my heart rate from the Apple Watch & to clean/adjust the sensor. Except that it is reporting the heart rate with no problem! This is a recent error - since the last app update. Please fix!
Oliver White commented
Frequently during workouts, even up to three times a minute, I get a notification interrupting the work out that they can’t read my heart rate with my Apple Watch. When I look at my heart rate on my Apple Watch, I see it very clearly. It still shows up even within the watch app on my Apple Watch, so I don’t understand why I’m getting notifications that the program cannot read my heart rate. The strap is very tight, the sensor is very clean, and still. I would like to be notified maybe once during the work out if my heart rate cannot be detected. Would it be possible to toggle off that notification? Many thanks for your help.
Anonymous commented
The notifications when the Apple Watch can’t sync heart rate is very annoying and frequent.
Anonymous commented
Yes please disable this! And turning down the voice volume does NOT work. This stupid voice ruins my workout
PNWmtnBKR commented
Turn off or fix the heart rate lost prompt. Your last update now keeps saying To clean the sensor but it doesn't need cleaning. Your app needs serious work.. Time for some new developers.