Enhance the App
Here a few improvement recommendations:
Add Garmen Connect, strava, Goggle Fitness, Peleton, just to name a few
-add a weight tracker most weight scales sync to smart phone so see if they can sync to this app as well.
To activities tab: add swimming, weight lifting, suspension training ie TRX,
To the workout tab:
-Music during all workouts
-More Tabada workout
-durning "healthy living full body circuit" a place to add the reps as soon as the exercise is over. Currently you have to write down all reps and add them at (45,30,15 sec) the end of the entire workout.
- add weight training workout
-add suspension training workout (trx, pull up, dips, toes to bar, muscle ups ect ect
-add beginner, intermediate and advance workouts with
-nutrtion tab so that you dont have to link my fitness( not necessary but just makes it easier for clients. One app not two)
The app is good and just needs a few upgrades