Integrate calories and macro tracking data with Apple Health
I hate using MyFitnessPal, there are better apps in the iOS App Store. It would be better to just retrieve the data from Apple Health so there is one source of truth. I use LoseIt which feeds data into Apple Health, so Trainerize can be app-agnostic.

David Kammer commented
I agree, I also like macrotracker, and it exerts all the macro data to Apple health. As a workaround, I’m currently Sharing exported Excel spreadsheets with my Trainer, but this is a lot of extra work for him
Paul commented
Agreed. I’ve used LifeSum and MyNetDiary.
Rather than building individual integrations, just pull macro data from Apple health
Chris Czub commented
I quite like MacroFactor for tracking nutrition, and it syncs to Apple Health, but Trainerize unfortunately doesn't access the Apple Health nutrition data.
Ashley Bartlett commented
This would make it super compatible with any other modern app too.
Lost from Orion commented
Agree, would be nice to get all nutritions values from health, i use Yazio PRO, who do not sync with anything apart apple health
JP Gravitt commented
Sync all macros, calories, and other nutrition data with Apple Health. I have been using Lose It! for years, and don’t want to log all of my meals twice. Trainerize already syncs some data with Apple Health. Why doesn’t it sync ALL data (nutrition, workouts, etc.) with Apple Health???
JP Gravitt commented
FULLY INTEGRATE with Apple Health!!! Trainerize currently does NOT track ANY nutrient/calorie information from Apple Health. Fix this obvious bug immediately.
Dustin O'Neil commented
I use lifesum. It's amazing. I dislike MyFitnessPal quite a bit
JJ LaTourelle commented
I’d like the nutrition info from the meals I log to transfer to my health app on my iPhone. Lots of other stuff transfers well but not that.
Ina commented
Like many others, I don’t use one of the supported food tracking apps. It would be great if the app just synched the caloric intake directly from Apple Health like all the other data that it already synchs.
JC commented
Agreed. Everything I have is in Apple Health - from my caloric intake to my menstrual cycles. Just have this app sync to entire apple health suite.
Anonymous commented
I don’t mind allowing you to acces the food i eat via macros but why won’t it move in from the apple health app i would allow you to do this but it will not
Cintl Jakub commented
Add food tracking with Ketodiet app or option to read more info from Apple Health app (like macros etc.)