Keep track of the dates of your workouts with your trainer
I would just like the app to keep a record of the dates of your workouts with your personal trainer.

Nate Smith commented
Agreed - there's a missing component here:
1- I can see the dates I checked into the gym.
2- I can see my session balance.
3- I can see appointments with my trainer.But... I can't see which sessions actually counted against my session balance.
Occasionally, my trainer doesn't cancel a session we had planned (e.g. one of us is sick). As far as I can tell, since we didn't mark the appointment as attended, it doesn't count against my balance, but I can't actually tell.
Additionally, I don't think all of the session types count against my balance (workout vs. weigh in), but I can't actually tell.
This is a billing transparency issue that really needs to be addressed.