Samsung Health and Galaxy Watch Support
Would like better support on Android products. Linking to Samsung Health is a must!

skeleton system commented
2024 and still no connection. Yikes
Jade St Louis-Rhodes commented
Yes please
LaShun Rutledge commented
Please and thank you!
Mr Z commented
A lot of my clients are on Samsung Health and it’s frustrating for them not to have all of their data tracked. Plus it isn’t easy for me to see their metrics either :(
Anatomy Health Club commented
There's hundreds on smart watch companies now. If google fit is integrated then a wide range of clients can be entertained not just Apple Watch, Withings and Fitbit or Samsung for that matter.
Ashley Chiffy commented
Just ran a fitness challenge & my Samsung clients were very upset that they had to manually input everything while everyone elses did it automatically
Anonymous commented
This is critical, 8000+ votes already..
Mira Sidia commented
Love this, keep it up programers.....Any news? Needed!
Claire Farrell (fitpositive) commented
Any updates on this one?
Carla Bush commented
Please add Galaxy watch
GT T commented
Michael King commented
As an IT person and a businessowner, why do you not have an android option, or Samsung Watch 6 option?
As a future gym owner, you are not doing yourself any favors by not having both.
If you have something in the works let us know. If you don't, let us know so we can tell our trainers we are not going to use your app.
It really is that simple. -
C P commented
Pease add Galaxy watch / heatlh
Maureen Anderson commented
Feel exactly the same. There are days when the sync dosent work and there is no way of refreshing precious days. Samsung is a huge company it would make this app usable.
Paul Lewis commented
Would be helpful if Samsung users could actually use the app with their watches. Can't be that hard !
Amy Blue Boatman commented
How many people need to comment on this for it to be added? I've taken someone else's suggestion here and installed Health Sync as a workaround but it's certainly not ideal to have to use 3rd party apps.
Melissa Beck commented
Not everyone is apple!!
Christina Reid commented
Please 🙏
Felicia Wentway commented
Please! This feature is necessary!
Julia Seliavko commented
This feature is very much needed.