show pb's rather than last workout numbers next to each set/exercise
If you have a bad day or are sick or can only do half a work out, you lose your benchmarks for next time. It would be better to have your personal best for that set of that exercise down instead of the most recent workout numbers

Anonymous commented
Both all time PR and the last time results are helpful! Especially if your PR was many months ago and you are getting back into it, then you can see “where I’m at” and “where my potential is”
Andy Harrison commented
Yeah but needs to be both as if you’re not following a linear progression program you will not always be trying to set a PB and will need to know last weeks numbers
Anonymous commented
Melanie commented
Agree with the comments suggesting to toggle between the two!
Mary Grieb commented
Disagree! Last weight much more helpful in week to week weight lifting progress!
Michael commented
I like the ability to toggle between the two.
Elizabeth-Lee Lawley commented
Or toggle between the two
Anonymous commented
This would be helpful in iPhone too. If the app could show 2 small indicators next to each set: 1) last rep and 2) pb, that would be fly!!
Rebecca commented
Although the last ones are shown inside the workout, You can click on those numbers and it'll show you all of your stats