Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
335 results found
1 vote
Please please please link Nutracheck!
Please link Nutracheck to trainerize! This is a much better calorie and nutrition tracker than MFP and is becoming increasing popular among gym goers!
67 votes -
Combine circle material with this app
It would be great if we can have all the circle app materials here or vise versa. All in one app.
1 vote -
Integrate ANY meal tracker & planner.
The option to integrate ANY (chronometer, MyFitness, etc…) food/meal tracker/planner would be amazing! Not all are created equal & not all have the same features that fits everyone’s needs.
8 votes -
2 votes
Integrate meal tracking with “hitmeal”
Hitmeal is an app similar to myfitness pal and integrating here would make it much simpler to share macros for meals
1 vote -
1 vote
Carb Manager as a food tracker
I use Carb Manager to track my food and would love if ir was integrated in the way MyFitnessPal and FitBit are.
512 votes -
Fix diary sync from MyFitnessPal
Please fix the diary syncing from mfp as I have to continuously manually sync this every time I add anything.
3 votes -
1 vote
Widget Colours Need Adjusting
Widgets which have a black background and darkest grey text are virtually unreadable and a tad pointless!!! Annoying because the widgets themselves are super useful!
1 vote -
Please link the “Lost It” food tracking app!
The app “Lose It” is amazing for tracking macros. Would love to have it integrated with my account here!
34 votes -
Sync Sleep with Apple health
I have shared all health data from my Apple health app. It will be really cool if it pulled through to Trainerize
2 votes -
Add Cronometer as another nutrition app intergation.
22 votes -
Add app connectivity
I have a bluetooth bmi scale that uses OkOk international app. Would love to be able to use this to track my bmi goal progress
1 vote -
Grocery Brand names are all us I am in canada
Grocery brands are all US and unable to buy these brands in Canada so this is useless to anyone living outside of the USA
1 vote -
Mettre cette application en français
Il serait grandement appréciable de pouvoir bénéficier de la traduction dans d'autres langues sur cette application, tout en ayant accès au français. J'espère que dans la prochaine mise à jour, nous aurons la possibilité de trouver cette option dans les paramètres de choix de langue.
1 vote -
Fitbit and other app connection help files
Fitbit is connected and tries to sync but it's unclear if it's worked. Now the system is taking only data from the Fitbit app but no matter how I disconnect the Fitbit and reconnect then resync it doesn't not txfr data, please can you advise or generate a help file on this type of issue.
1 vote -
Can you make this compatible with mynetdiary? I dont use myfittnesspal because it sucks
Mynetdiary compatibility please. I will not use my fitness pal
1 vote -
Allow Google login for Myfitnesspal login
Doesn’t allow you to sync MyFitnesspal if you use your google login.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?