Add notes next to each exercise in each workout for machine settings
An area to write notes next to every exercise in every season to remember the setting etc and have it carry over to the next workout.

Ryan W commented
Agreed. Would be great if I could leave a note for a specific exercise so the next time I do that exercise, I don’t forget to do what my trainer told me to do. For instance, to go barefoot to do a rack pull or what pin number to set the rack in.
Mary Grieb commented
Yes, message to trainer not necessary but would like ability to leave notes to review.
Ken Lane commented
The ability to add personal notes near each exercise for future reference.
TamRat commented
I would like the ability to add notes about the workout and then be able to see them when I pull up the past workout in Calendar
Beth Hyatt commented
My trainer told me about your app. He set up my home exercises to do everyday. Love the timer with each exercise, able to make special notes if need be and puts it all in one spot. I’m accountable to my trainer, can make special notes on performance and any issues.
Thank you and have beautiful day!
Beth -
Kelly commented
This would be a good place to add how the exercise felt, wt to heavy, to light, bad day etc
Anonymous commented
Since there’s already an area where notes can be sent to my trainer, I’d like an area next to each exercise where I can add notes to myself. I’d like to be able to see (like previous workout’s weight, reps) these notes when I log in to that day’s exercises the following week.
Caroline commented
Heather Turner commented
This would be huge for me
Anonymous commented
Yes! And view them during your workout! Sometimes I like to make a note on the difficulty of a set to to reference next workout and help me pick a good weight.
Grace Gonzalez commented
Rachel Penrose commented
Yes please. This would help.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!
Anonymous commented
Absolutely! This will help in so many ways!
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to change my weights if o couldn't do it or did more and it would change automatically for my trainer so he can do progressions from that .
Anonymous commented
Have a way for me to make notes that I can see during my workout instead of clicking the little text box in the corner.
Notes per exercise -
Cj small commented
Because tracking my workout through this app waste my gym time letting my coach see that through my watch I killed it. Seeing my average calories burned will help them to adjust my diet appropriately.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to have the option to add a note within each exercise and have that populate to other exercises so we can see whether we use a band or modify the grip
Anonymous commented
A section for notes or comments by each exercise.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes I need to remember technique, seat height settings etc for different exercises