Samsung Health and Galaxy Watch Support
Would like better support on Android products. Linking to Samsung Health is a must!
Jamie DEFOUW commented
Please connect with Samsung devices such as the galaxy watch. I have multiple clients that deem this app as useless to them because they cannot connect with their watch.
Anonymous commented
Connect to Samsung Health or Galaxy Weareble to track steps and fitness. You can sync to n apple watch or fit bit but not to a Samsung watch or app.
Anonymous commented
Easy to track sleeping steps calories heart rate and lots more
Anonymous commented
I want to know can I connect the app with my Samsung Active 2 Smart Watch?
Melissa commented
I also have a Samsung watch and would love this feature
Evan Pitchie commented
When do you think you can connect with Google Fit?
Pratik commented
Please add galaxy watch or Samsung health sync feature to the app, most people use Samsung and we are not able to use this app properly without syncing our Samsung to the app.
Anonymous commented
I don't use any of the other health track apps, I have Samsung Galaxy watch and Samsung health on my phone for tracking...
Anonymous commented
Have Samsung watch and phone would be good to see this feature
Laura Santiago commented
Able to syncronize Samnung watches
erin commented
As a brand that equally rivals Apple i fail to see why this is not already a feature
Me commented
Sync with Samsung great fit watch. Just like how it can sync to fit bit and Apple Watch.
Jessie Diaz commented
Ability to cast on any TV. This will give a better view instead of small screen on phone or computer.
Anonymous commented
This needs to happen
Eon Kerewaro commented
I look forward to this feature!
Anonymous commented
I have a samsung phone and samsung watch and I would love if this app and samsung health would sync.
Anonymous commented
Too many people use Galaxy/Samsung/Samsung Health for this app to not give it priority. There also is no option for Apple Watch.
Dee Sicklesteel commented
Well that makes no sense to me. I'm not replacing my $1500 of equipment to use your app to it's full capability.
Anonymous commented
Please add in the Samsung galaxy watch to sync with. You have Apple and fitbit but no Samsung 😭😭
Anonymous commented
Can you provide further explanation about why you've made this a 'not right now' plan. Clearly there is a lot of support for this.