Make a comment/RPE box at the end of each exercise
Comment box after each exercise so its easier to give feedback to your trainer. Ex- that weight was way too much or too little or I couldn't do this one because the machines were taken and I had to go.
Yalonda Patterson commented
Happy to see I’m not the only one who had this suggestion!
Jody Caldwell commented
For me these notes wouldn’t need to stay around forever, just for a few more executions.
Mark Wilbrink commented
Horrible customer service, seriously.
Im gutted that i invested in Trainerize, now im using it i see how many basic things are not even there where even 5000 people request stuff.
Taxes, RPE, check in forms the list goes on and on.
Customer service lacking in helping me out or giving serious, valuable responses to matters that are already asked for since 2014.
Not for me!
Mark Wilbrink commented
Almost 10 years later and still no RPE 🥲
I picked up this suggestion with the helpdesk, I hope they see the importance now.
Tyler Walker commented
The isn't enough room to say everything I want to say in the final comment after a workout. I want to be able to keep notes for each exercise I do.
Christina commented
Be able to indicate color of elastic bands, or other resistance band.
And for the weight used, be able to note a total weight (2 dumbbells or wt of a single one) vs using a bar for a given exercise. -
A Dub commented
Or have a button for a note pop-up box
Anonymous commented
A sort of effort index from 1 to 10 would be nice.
Anonymous commented
Yes, something that would remind me if I had trouble keeping my form.
Anonymous commented
The comment section could be for alternate exercises as well.
Anonymous commented
I would prefer to keeps things compact. Please don’t muddy the simple list.
Anonymous commented
RM would be great too.
Adaptive Strength & Nutrition Inc. commented
Yes! And RPE Scale next to each set would be awesome!
Anonymous commented
If not all, then at least in the modified plan for us who have limited mobility.
Jeff commented
This would be the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and I vote this feature be added. It should be on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is zero effort and 10 is maximum effort. Please add this simple feature - it will push every user to be honest with recording their workout intensity and will show a path to optimal results.
Anonymous commented
I like this idea! Something to consider would be to add a “favorite” button (like a heart ❤️) that, once selected, collects those “favorites” in a list and then links “recommended exercises” that work that same muscle group or offer different variations of that same exercise. I can see that then leading to building out a new routine to keep things fresh.
George Ozburn commented
Yes, I think this would be great, a note section not just on over all day. but after each set.
Tracy commented
I used to just put an up or down arrow when I wrote in paper. It could be something simple in the app.
Sam commented
It could also be a system for showing how hard that exercise at that weight was thatvpooukates to the next workout. So if I know it was a 5 star or red last week, I probably need to do the same weight this week. But if it was a 2 star or green level last week, I can probably increase weight. It would be a great way to help me challenge myself to keep gaining!!
Anonymous commented
Maybe if it were a highlight color- for example a green highlight color means I can move up in weight, a yellow means to stay there and work that weight the next week and red means I need to focus that weight for the next couple of weeks. Something like that.