Samsung Health and Galaxy Watch Support
Would like better support on Android products. Linking to Samsung Health is a must!

Carrie Bulmer commented
You can connect several other watches but not the Samsung. Why?
Charlie Lee commented
please listen to users
Miriam commented
It would be nice if all apple n android phones would offer this program. Makes so much easier working out then downloading one program to another in our fast paced world.
Thank you -
Aaron Mcdonnell commented
Thank you for reaching out about this! Great question as well.
Just to give you some insight as to what's going on with the Samsung Galaxy/Health integration, I can provide some more detail. Earlier this year we ran into a bit of a roadblock with the development process for the Galaxy/Samsung Health integration because the Samsung Development Portal closed to development.
This halted our team's ability to continue to develop this feature. We were also quite excited about it, but sadly, because of this, it has put the development of this feature on hold for now.
I did notice that you are correct, it looks like our ideas forum still has this idea set to Planned. I've brought this to the attention of our developers to make sure we update this idea accordingly. I do assume this is something we hope to develop when we are able to begin the process again - however until then, the next closest thing in development would be Google Fit.
Google Fit is currently slated for release in the early part of the new year. Sometimes with development, these features can be pushed if more time is needed (we always want to make sure the product is fully tested and the quality assurance is 100% good to go before releasing). That being said, I do know it's close to release, so I thought I'd share that since it's on the horizon and in many ways, will be a good alternative to Galaxy until we can begin development on that feature again.
As another alternative, we also did improve the Fitbit integration to include the ability to track workouts this year. How to sync cardio and other activities through Fitbit
Hopefully, that helps provide some more detail about to what's going on with the Samsung Health integration! Do let me know if you have any more questions and I'd be happy to answer them, Aaron!
All the best,
This is the email I got back from them asking what going on with the app.
Doug Thompson commented
Samsung are the alternative to an apple watch. It's an obvious choice unless you are a brand junkie for Garmin. I can't see a point of this app if it does not connect with my life.
Timas Thompson Murr commented
Dooooo iiiiiitttttttt
Cyllyn Lovdahl commented
Honestly I'm shocked this app *doesn't* sync with galaxy watch!!
Megan Phillips commented
This would be awesome
Ray Amesqua Jr. commented
Please make this happen!
Jac Elizabeth commented
Please add Samsung watch usage would be very helpful and handy!! Is this in the plans?
Teddy Albers commented
Might use if I knew how 🤔
Iliya Bakardzhiev commented
Shame. Its just a sync
Wendy Tarr Mehiel commented
Would love to be able to add my Samsung watch...would be great to be see my activity on my program..getting my steps in
R H commented
Wondering if and when Samsung Health support will be added. Thanks.
Zaid commented
Why hasn't the Samsung watch been added yet? Please reply from the administration
Estella Mangan commented
Please fix this issue. There is no reason samsung health isn't an option at this point.
David Loveless commented
These suggestions are years old. At least offer a response explaining your refusal to implement.
Tania S commented
Why hasn't this happened already? Samsung is a major player in the Android market. By not introducing this connectivity you are alienting a major portion of your users!
Linda Abrahamsson commented
Jamie Goodman commented
With over 4000 votes, why is there no update or is this being considered? This is a huge market tower that would like the ability to utilize all of the features.