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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

We are continually upgrading your fitness app with new features based on your feedback. Please add a new idea, or vote on an existing idea. This ensures your ideas don't get lost and always visible and other users can upvote your ideas. The idea forum allows us to keep a pulse check on what our user community as a whole wants.

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This forum allows us to more accurately prioritize ideas to ensure a system of fairness by executing on improvements needed more urgently by a larger cohort of our user community, in order of voting priority. It offers you transparency into what we're reviewing, starting and have completed.

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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194 results found

  1. Allow trainers to edit calories/macros from the app

    Sometimes I need to adjust clients' macros when I'm on the go, and currently, the app will only adjust from the computer. It would make life easier if we could use the app to adjust!

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  2. Add a stopwatch function - Allow the timer to start from 0 and go up

    So sometimes I want to track how long it takes me to do something. I would love to be able to use the Trainerize app to do this, but the app timer only goes down.
    Is it possible to add the ability to use the inbuilt timer to function like a stopwatch - So I can press start and then end, rather than counting backwards.

    Also - sometimes I need to enter this time into the program I use, but the input box only measures seconds, it would be great if the timer had a total second count so…

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  3. 52 votes

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  4. Allow Trainers to add other/custom tasks to Client calendars i.e. "coaching call" or "start weekly challenge".

    When adding to a client's calendar allow an option to plug in a "custom" entry. This way as coaches we can schedule certain proprietary tasks for our clients that may not be a workout or body comp.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 You can turn on the habits module and schedule things for clients to do on a daily basis.

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  5. Allow sending setup and password reset link options to app

    Add option to send the setup link or password reset link from the trainers iPhone app.

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  6. Deleting clients

    Ability to delete clients within the iPhone all

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  7. Offer a paid affiliate program

    Get a commission for referring other trainers to trainerize. Earn money by getting the word out there

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 When you invite a friend and they sign up, you earn free months back.

    You can find the invite feature on the dashboard when you sign in as a trainer.

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  8. Limit clients looking ahead in calendar,

    Be able to schedule clients workouts ahead of time by the day and they can't access the workouts till that day. Not upload the workouts all At once fro them to see it. This will not give them a reason to skip out, they would only get access to today workouts and the past workouts but no future workouts.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.

    Simply open up their profile and scroll down to their settings.

    Change their calendar visibility to the time limit required.

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  9. Ability to Create Stand-Alone Products - PASSIVE INCOME!

    Allow trainers to create a product that a client can download automatically. With the information content like an ebook, but with the tracking features of Trainerize. I think clients would pay for this!

    Something like this:
    1. Trainer creates 3-month training plan, with general instructions, exercises, daily workouts, and progressions already in place.
    2. Trainer sets the purchase price
    3. Potential client decides to purchase the product and can pay online without trainer having to do anything
    4. Client now has access to the information AND tracking features of Trainerize for the entire duration of their program
    5. At the…

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  10. Social Media Sharing

    When a client reaches a goal this creates momuntum and a boost of self-confidence. When a client feels good about themselves following a workout they are inclined to continue such positive behaviors. When i shout out and tag clients following their workout my clients feel a sense of accomplishment when many congratulate them on their workout. I would like for my clients to have the option to share their completed workouts

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  11. Being able to take notes on iPhone and iPad

    I wish to take notes during sessions on my iPhone/iPad

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  12. Add nutritiion compliance to calendar

    Allow clients to mark whether or not they followed their meal plan for the day similar to the workouts.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 You can add “followed meal plan” as a daily habit.

    You’ll need to turn on the habits beta on the add on > integrations page. Scroll to the bottom.

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  13. Create your own generic email templates to save and share with clients

    I would love a feature to add to the generic client message database: to be able to format text to make more visually appealing as well as the option to imbed pdf files and images. This will eminate contact from multiple platforms. Plus it looks more professional

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    1 comment  ·  Messages  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app with the auto-message features and ability to attach files to messages.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  14. 8 votes

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  15. Auto respond automatic invitation link , instead of manually.

    Allow trainer a link to auto respond client after purchase through paypal/credit card to get an automatic invitation, instead of manually. This would allow trainers to send clients an automatic invitation/consultation, so then the trainer can simply copy and paste workout templates based on their submitted answers. This saves trainer from manually inviting client based off of PayPal submitted email address. This would work well for non-local/overseas clients that are being trained online.

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  16. 5 votes

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  17. In would like to be able to track workout compliance. In other words, I want to know how many of the scheduled workouts have been completed.

    In would like to be able to track workout compliance. In other words, I want to know how many of the scheduled workouts have been completed vs missed. This could be displayed as a percentage and with raw numbers. John Doe is 80% compliant having completed 4 of 5 workouts.

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  18. cardio note

    When adding cardio workouts on the calendar, I would like to be able to add details about the cardio. Such as how far or how long a client should run, cycle, swim, etc. for. This would make this feature far more useful.

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  19. be able to add decimals or change the unit of measure.

    I would like to record a 500meter row but the metrics for cardio are in miles. i attempted to input .3miles but it was not accepted

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    Hi everyone,


Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Rowing is now recorded in meters and the pace is recorded in /500m.

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  20. Ability to restrict trainers so they cannot edit other workout templates

    So I'm looking at bringing on an apprentice - allowing me to train more clients through trainerize.

    I would like to be able to add the new trainer under my trainerize account. However, I would like to be able to restrict him so:
    Option 1) He can view all MY workout templates, but not edit them
    Option 2) He cannout veiw my workout templates, and can only see what he builds and what I share with him.

    At the moment, If i add a trainer under my account, he can go into workout templates and see all my programs... then…

    12 votes

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 We’ve added permissions to control edit access to master workouts last year.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


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