Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
241 results found
Timer that records how long I do an exercise for with an adjustable chime. So chime say once after 30 seconds twice at 60 and so o
A timer with adjustable chime. Eg I set the chime to 40 seconds and it chimes once at 30 twice at 60 and so on until I stop it
1 vote -
Visual aspect
I would love to see visually on a body image the specific muscle worked with a specific mouvement; if we are searching to connect the brain with a muscle; to see in the app that image would be an amazing plus
2 votes -
Perhaps, a notes section for those who want to note non-scale victories or occasions for treat meals?
See above. 😊
2 votes -
Diary/Journal feature
A feature that allows journaling/notetaking for what is going on that day in terms of health, mood, challenges, especially for those of us who have mental health and physical challenges that we strive to overcome to meet goals
11 votes -
5 votes
Edit goals
Can I edit my personal goals with my trainer after I have started?
12 votes -
Weight scale sync
Please add synchronization with Renphro products.
6 votes -
It would be nice to have a way to create different kinds of surveys to send to clients. So like a readiness survey before workouts that when they click on a workout they have to fill out that survey before they get started.
It would also be nice to have different kinds of surveys beyond that readiness survey.
3 votes -
Behavior streaks should maintain even when retroactively filled in.
If I perform the behavior but forget to click the button, I lose my streak. Not in reality, just in the app. There should be no penalty for going back a day or two and filling in missed behavior markers.
15 votes -
Allow clients to input calorie and weight goals. Subject to a disclaimer if needed!
I am using Fit for Golf and don't have a trainer monitoring my diet. I know what weight and calorie goals I want but can't see how to enter them
3 votes -
Health log/ stats eg naps to manage chronic fatigue
I've got chronic fatigue and am trying to track how exercise and nutrition impact this. It would be nice to log it in the same place and record my fatigue symptoms each day, and the number of naps I need (more than just sleep duration) to see if there is a pattern with certain exercises or calorie deficits or high sugar days etc.
1 vote -
Allow input of steps manually
Why not? Everything else can be entered manually
22 votes -
The goals should be automatically calculated by the app and updated as you log workouts
When goals have been set and you are working towards them or you achieve them, the app should automatically update your goals rather than the current manual process
3 votes -
The ability to view your weight loss over time
Showing a line through the graph of your daily weight entires that more clearly shows your average trend so it’s easier to view your loss
5 votes -
A place to view ideas for habits to track
That your coach can then speak with you about and implement as they see fit
4 votes -
Editable widgets under My Progress
Have widgets that you can edit/add under the My Progress section. It’s great you can choose the ones that are there to display but I’d like to also see a widget there for additional daily activities I’d like to track like… water (glasses), breath work (minutes). Some things may just flag that a task is complete.. ie: grateful task Y/N etc
In addition you can have free text in some of the widgets to add notes/ diary entries… ie what grateful for that day
6 votes -
Being able to rearrange the tiles on the dash
On the main page where it has things to do underneath it there are other categories that a coach may use but the user may want to prioritize when they see the tiles
2 votes -
Track additional habits
I would like to be able to track other habits than water (ie. Ate slowly, stopped eating at 80% full, chose whole foods etc)
6 votes -
One tap to do list check off
There are 4 taps ever time you check something off the to do list because of the pop offs it creates. This makes the process long and annoying for the consumer especially when you want to check multiple things off the list. Please make it a one tap check off.
20 votes -
daily tip videos like the ones on Facebook as well as a daily challenge
I would love the videos that I see on reels posted in the app. Exclusive content that is only for paying clients. Also daily challenges like "Try a new fruit"
"Leave 2 bites of food and see if you're full after waiting a few minutes to finish the last two bites." And then sections where we can comment on the challenge. Even just a daily "Do 50 Push-ups throughout the day." Type challenges.3 votes
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