Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
242 results found
Waste elimination tracker
A tracker to log waste elimination. It's a part of good dietary and exercise habits. Lots of people with problems in this area
2 votes -
Auto adjust calorie deficit as you loose weight to avoid plateaus
As you loose weight calorie deficit must be auto adjusted to avoid a plateau.
3 votes -
Quick click option
Allow a setting that allows you to quickly click and mark things off the to do list. I don't want to select the water, then selected completed, then get a congrats screen that I have to x out if then x out of the water screen to go back and do the same for the steps and stuff. I want ro be able to just click the circle and ha e them checked off.
10 votes -
Daily goals simplification
Would be nice to have the ability to simply check off completion of daily goal instead of going through 4 diferent pages.... this part is a bit anoying.
2 votes -
Stretch Option
add an option for dynamic and static stretching for before and after workouts to prevent injury
27 votes -
A stretching/injury prevention routine for pre and post workouts, especially for runs and rucks.
A stretching/injury prevention routine for pre and post workouts, especially for runs and rucks.
1 vote -
The accolades are missing.
After finishing workouts it no longer gives you the increase in reps or weights. It’s blank. Bring it back.
1 vote -
Daily Goals
Be nice to check daily goals without having to confirm 3 extra screens, with thumbs and noise just to come back to my training schedule which is my focus.
1 vote -
Fix milestone awards
Yesterday I accidentally pressed the hike button on my Fitbit. After recording a 2 second hike, the app awarded me a 75 hour hiking milestone. I only joined the app a week ago and already have 50 hours of exercise milestone too. Please fix the milestones so they actually relate to the amount of activity you've done as they seem meaningless otherwise.
3 votes -
Daily or weekly goals
Section for daily or weekly goals what can be ticked off. I find this will provide motivation as I’m looking at the app daily and hold me more accountable to those. Coach can also keep track of those.
5 votes -
To be able to select multiple tasks and goals and hit select vs 1 by 1
Clients should be able to select multiple goals/tasks then select complete.
1 vote -
Option to log emotions or write notes at the time of eating and/or training
I think it would be amazing to have the option to identify emotions and/or a place to write notes about what deterred me from my healthy eating habits or why I didn't workout as planned. For example: I was feeling stressed out from work; I had an argument with my significant other; a close friend/family member passed away; I got married; I lost my job; I got divorced; I'm overtired; at a holiday party and my self-restraint was gone; I felt depressed or lonely; and any other life factors that impact healthy eating, motivation, and focus. This feature would tell…
4 votes -
Interactive area
Meditation area, ability to add your own habits as well, fasting area 12 hours, 16 hours, 20 hours for ketosis with a timer and tracker. Exercise & workout videos - more than what’s currently on the system. More interaction. Meal planning- not just calorie counting but healthy recipes for different areas- weight gain, weight loss, strength, etc
1 vote -
Jag gillar inte att behöva fylla i mina mål varje vecka och skriva vad jag har för redskap hemma. Det borde sparas automatiskt så jag enbart kan ge feedback på förra träningsupplägget inför att få ett nytt
2 votes -
Adding a “notes for self” section
It will be nice if there is a “notes to self” section where I can keep notes for myself about nutrition, activity, goals extra
32 votes -
Digital Diary
Mental health is so important for long term weight loss success otherwise weight loss is a numbers game. It's to be more focused on the body as 360 person so mind body inside outside front back hobbies, habits interests whatever targets everbody ability agility level
4 votes -
A place where you can enter your measurement to watch your progress
I am a large older woman and I have been losing weight I would like to see my progress
4 votes -
Give badges more increments after 100
After 100 the increments are only every 100. More often would be nice
1 vote -
2 votes
Edit heart rate zones
My heart rate zones are set on my Apple Watch, and my Apple Watch heart rate is displayed via your app when I use it to log cardio. However, the heart rate zones are completely different - what is Zone 1 on my watch shows up as Zone 3 in your app, Zone 2 shows up as Zone 4, etc. How can I edit / sync my heart rate zones so that they’re the same between my watch and your app?
3 votes
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