Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
242 results found
Mental Health Check
BetterHelp app, in addition to all its other services like scheduling and so on, also offers a space to “journal” each day, either by writing freehand or answering a randomly generated prompt or just choosing an emoticon. It can be kept confidential to the user or shared and could be beneficial in tracking how exercise affects mood and promoting positive mental health benefits of exercise
6 votes -
Have a space for note taking that would allow you to look back or have a coach review info that may be relevant.
The ability to jot notes would allow a fitness coach to glimpse additional things going on from injuries to illness. Being able to journal things pertinent to the day would help as we look at spikes and valleys in nutrition and weight etc. Just being able to note that you have the flu, we’re on vacation, attended a celebration, injured your shoulder and substituted excercises for a week would be helpful.
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10000 steps goal
Adjust steps according to each user /10000 each day is not realistic for everyone
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Ability to track mood, food and jot down thoughts of the day
I’m working with my trainer on my relationship with food. Being an emotional eater has stalled my exercise progress. So it would be helpful to allow a place to track my daily mood as well as generic notes for that day. Possibly linking to My fitness pal or allow for food tracking in the app would be helpful too
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Add glucose measurements input
Add glucose measurement widget
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add measurements to the dash board
I struggle to access my measurements to see my stats, once the initial day that I tracked them on has passed. You need to add a tab/link so they can be accessed at anytime.
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6 votes
Ability to add more body comp stats
Ability to input more than just weight and bmi to the tracker similar to other training apps. Also the ability to track stats week on week
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Add place to add measurements
Be able to add waist hip neck measurements
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Track taking your vitamins as completed
Similar to how you can check off taking your fasted weight each day. Add a section for morning vitamin and/or medication with an am/pm section
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Choose a different weight for exercise
I like to measure my body weight in lbs but all the weights for my fitness equipment is in kg. It would be useful to choose different weight measurement for each category.
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Comment on goals
Being able to add comments to daily goal for instance when not achieved, adding comments for your coach to see
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Daily or weekly goals
Section for daily or weekly goals what can be ticked off. I find this will provide motivation as I’m looking at the app daily and hold me more accountable to those. Coach can also keep track of those.
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5 votes
The ability to view your weight loss over time
Showing a line through the graph of your daily weight entires that more clearly shows your average trend so it’s easier to view your loss
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Ability to reset badges
Would be great to be able to reset badges. I am back for second time with my group and I would like to start at zero for badges, now its saying Ive already done 150 workouts. Only was my trainers can reset is a new profile which isnt great as I like that old profile had my previous progress pictures, and measurements etc.
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Too many clicks to move around
Make navigation simpler. No need to have to close the high 5 window
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track hand portions
Ability to track my hand portions for my habits as I eat my meals throughout the day.
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Workout description
Instead of calling it workout 1 - 7, call it chess, back etc which makes it easier to identify without going into i5
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Weight loss in last 7 days
Something that just calculates how much weight you lost in last week so you don’t get discouraged if the scale is going up and down
5 votes
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