Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
242 results found
To add more interaction possibilities
To make profiles with goals and voluntary information visible for members of a group that support each other. That way people can connect/find themes to talk about and get to know each other better, even when joining at different times.
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4 votes
Make a favorites folder.. allow us to drop exercises into folder
Make a “favorites folder”. allow us to drop exercises into folder and create great work outs on our days off
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Haven’t found the notes section yet.
Would be great to take workout notes on weight and reps and other
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Editing your step goal on your calen
Being able to edit your step count in your calendar so say your goal is 10000 when you don’t hit it you can put in how many you did do.. ie 6500
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allow for user to delete a trainer-assigned exercise (I.e. when replaced with another one)
I sometimes have to replace a cardio exercise (bike had a flat) but you can’t delete it if assigned by trainer. I can add the new exercise but then it looks like I didn’t complete an exercise which is really frustrating!
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In collaboration with noom for tips and tricks for creating better habits and accountability inbetween check-ins.
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One click to check items
It's a small thing but something that really bugs me. I wish the app would allow me to click once to check things off my list. At the moment I press the empty bullet icon, then have to press complete, then press the x to get back to my screen. Clicking the bullet icon should be enough.
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Auto adjust calorie deficit as you loose weight to avoid plateaus
As you loose weight calorie deficit must be auto adjusted to avoid a plateau.
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Fix milestone awards
Yesterday I accidentally pressed the hike button on my Fitbit. After recording a 2 second hike, the app awarded me a 75 hour hiking milestone. I only joined the app a week ago and already have 50 hours of exercise milestone too. Please fix the milestones so they actually relate to the amount of activity you've done as they seem meaningless otherwise.
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Edit heart rate zones
My heart rate zones are set on my Apple Watch, and my Apple Watch heart rate is displayed via your app when I use it to log cardio. However, the heart rate zones are completely different - what is Zone 1 on my watch shows up as Zone 3 in your app, Zone 2 shows up as Zone 4, etc. How can I edit / sync my heart rate zones so that they’re the same between my watch and your app?
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Enter total # of hours asleep
My fall asleep time and wake up time never equal my total sleep time as I get up at night to go to the bathroom. Instead of fudging the times to match the total time asleep, allow us to just log total #of hrs and min asleep.
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It would be nice to have a way to create different kinds of surveys to send to clients. So like a readiness survey before workouts that when they click on a workout they have to fill out that survey before they get started.
It would also be nice to have different kinds of surveys beyond that readiness survey.
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Allow clients to input calorie and weight goals. Subject to a disclaimer if needed!
I am using Fit for Golf and don't have a trainer monitoring my diet. I know what weight and calorie goals I want but can't see how to enter them
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The goals should be automatically calculated by the app and updated as you log workouts
When goals have been set and you are working towards them or you achieve them, the app should automatically update your goals rather than the current manual process
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daily tip videos like the ones on Facebook as well as a daily challenge
I would love the videos that I see on reels posted in the app. Exclusive content that is only for paying clients. Also daily challenges like "Try a new fruit"
"Leave 2 bites of food and see if you're full after waiting a few minutes to finish the last two bites." And then sections where we can comment on the challenge. Even just a daily "Do 50 Push-ups throughout the day." Type challenges.3 votes -
3 votes
App access during cardio
When I’m doing cardio on the app, I can’t clock out and access other parts of the app like my messages or the home page.
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Tracking workout completion
It would be better to set a goal completion slider to let us know how many workouts we have left for the day. This way we don’t have to scroll every-time to see the workouts left.
Also, a calendar to track our goals.
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Sleep tracker
Add total hours slept vs. start and stop time because they can be very different.
3 votes
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