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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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141 results found

  1. 4 votes

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  2. Scoring workouts

    Enter scores/times for completed workouts and rank according to others' scores. See historical progress from workouts repeated.

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  3. Body measurements

    I am not able to access my body stats/measurements on the App and can't even see what I have entered previously. Would be nice to see side by side measurements like we can with progress photos.

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  4. A save button for the middle of your work instead of just at the end, to save your progress, mine has been deleted twice

    A save button for the middle of your work instead of just at the end, to save your progress, mine has been deleted twice

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  5. Reply to Comments

    Allow trainer to reply to a certain message so ct doesn't have to scroll through communication to refer back. Currently, you can react with an emoji, however, adding the ability to reply to a specific comment (with it being referred to above the reply) is more user friendly and efficient.

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  6. Extra stats

    Adding Blood pressure and heart rate to the stats/check ins

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  7. I would like to be able to add a drop set during my workout directly under the exercise in that set

    I would like to be able to add a drop set during my workout directly under the exercise in that set

    Currently I can only add the entire set so if I drop set one of the exercises in the set you have to add it as an extra set and put 0 in the other exercises and it's not placed in the correct spot

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  8. The app should automatically recognize me and fill in my info for weekly check-in

    The app should automatically recognize me and fill in my name etc for weekly check-ins

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  9. Accountability check

    Allow trainer to see progress of weight loss and discuss changes that are needed

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  10. Allow option to have a shareable workout summary. Some of us are in fb groups for support and it’s fun to share

    Allow option to have a shareable workout summary. Some of us are in fb groups for support and it’s fun to share A quick image

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  11. Ability to add notes to self-care or any agenda ite to track what you did for that

    Add the ability to have notes on all agenda items that your trainer adds, not just work outs.

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  12. Easier access to stats

    Easier access to recorded stats. Every time I want to see my past measurements, I’m looking all over the place for them.

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  13. Have Smaller achievement milestones

    Smaller increments between achievement acknowledgment.
    For example Once you get to 100 workouts the next milestone is 200. I think it would be better to get acknowledged for every 10 workouts… so 110, 120 , 130

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  14. Body Weight Chart with option of more than 3 years

    Currently the Body Weight Chart has an option goes 3 up to 3 years max. I have tracked my weight on Trainerize much longer than this, and would like All Time Option or a 5 year and 10 years option.

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  15. Make it easier to enter figures

    Make it easier to enter body weight and measurements as it is not easy to find the field where to enter the figures

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. Refresh

    Why does it take so long for data to refresh? Even with a manual load it will show calories burned and weight from days prior. Do your back end servers need to be faster?

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  18. Weight lifted and whiteboard capabilities of wodify

    Alpha used to utilize wodify where members could see the wod, see their history for any lifts they did, calculated %'s, and see the whiteboard for the club or expand out so we could see where our performance was rating.

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  19. Streamline amd synchronize app & website info

    Make the website & app show the SAME information. Ie. When my trainer puts notes in-app, they should also show on website.

    When printing workout logs (yes the old school way on paper), it should show supersets, reps, previous weight used, etc.

    There is a MASSIVE discrepancy between in-app data and website entry. Make them work together better.

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  20. Reporting

    I would like to have the daily summary of weight, intake, calories burned, bmi etc move with the date; it only shows the current date;

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