Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
140 results found
Better tracking on maxes and PRs
Track data on 1R, 3R, 5R maxes. Helpful when switching from endurance phase to strength phase to have past data
2 votes -
Add a refresh button to see if things are successfully saved or edited
There were times when I had some entries and didn't get saved. Thank goodness I remembered them so I re entered them. But if there's a refresh button to CHECK if it's saved, it would be very good
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Share Google drive that contains previously reported progress reports so we can see how far we have come during the journey.
Share Google drive that contains previously reported progress reports so we can see how far we have come during the journey.
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Just make existing features work!
Half the **** on this app doesn’t work. Just make existing features work. Like comparing photos!
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Enable easy recovery of accidentally overwritten photos
I accidentally snapped a photo that overwrote a prior image. I cannot find that image on my device now, even when connected to the PC.
Please enable a) an image file recovery option or explicit warnings about what is going to happen
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Sync workouts that load what my previous workout so I don’t have to scroll and find my last PR
If it’s a benchmark workout like BFF. When it cycles around to be done again, I can easily see my last results without having to scroll back when I did it last.
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Posing practice tracker
Add a button like cardio but to track posing practice done each day
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Daily photos with comments
Daily photo with comments of what you did and mindset levels
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Weight in stones and pounds
I’d like to record my weight in stones and pounds
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Enhanced weekly pics
Need to enhance the pics app so I can take them myself or have the ability to set up my phone and take them with my Apple Watch instead of asking someone else to take them
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Self-Reported Outcome Measures
Clients have the ability to fill out common reported outcome measure instruments that the trainer has selected
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Exercise tracking PB's
Be able to search for an exercise and see personal bests and stats how youre doing i.e see your stats for personal best for deadlifts and how youve progressed with a graph
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Client can send a video attached to a specific prescribed exercise
Clients should be able to send their trainer a video for form critique that’s attached to a specific exercise, instead of through the general chat function. Past videos and feedback can be saved so that client can refer back to see the progress in their technique.
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Speed up excersise videos as they take too long and its sole destroing trying to play them!
Speed up exercise videos as they take too long, and it's soul-destroying trying to play them! I take much longer than intended doing workouts because the videos take forever. I need to switch to using YouTube as your videos need to load faster. Reduce video quality to speed up playback.
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1 vote
Somewhere to record measurements, neck, waist, etc
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Add the ability to leave comments for your Coach as you are working out and following their prescribed workout.
Add the ability to add a note to your coach in the workout. We can speak in our comments so that we don’t have to take time to write it out.
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After each training session, there should be the opportunity to write a note
It would be great to associate a note with each training session, sort of like a diary, right in the app. Then you could look at your notes one after the next, and see how you’ve progressed. This would help to explore how you felt after eating a certain way, a stressful week, quantity of water intake, etc.
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Ability to see a weekly/monthly report of how we did on habits
It would be great to get to see an aggregate of how many times we completed each habit for a weekly and monthly review of how we are doing on habits.
1 vote -
Quick Task completion ✅
Allow tasks to be completed/checked off without having to click into them, receive a congratulations screen then X out of the screen twice to get back to daily task page. This takes up way too much time and makes using app super annoying.
Code app for clicking on the circle as completing task/checking off for quick completion vs clicking on rest of the task words for taking into the congrats and motivation screen
1 vote
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