Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
1143 results found
Weight assisted exercises
There are a few exercises that are weight assisted that need to be accommodated for in the app by allowing a negative weight or something like that.
2 votes -
Entry of HIT data between cycles
Allow entry of data between cycles. Right now during a HIT workout, you can only enter data once all cycles are done. I forget. Allow entry during the rest period between cycles.
1 vote -
Move next exercise series to the top
I wish the next exercise series moved up to the top so I don't have to remember the last one I completed
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Make substitute exercises start from most similar with machines
Example - if an exercise uses a band, make the first substitute a dumbbell/freeweight option if one exists, then a cable machine option of the same exercise, etc.
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Ability to see subbed exercises across workouts
When I sub an exercise it would be great to see that sub each time the exercise comes up in a workout in the future.
1 vote -
Color code workouts by gym
I workout at two different gyms. The tension on the cables is different, there is no way for me to easily look at past workouts to see which location I trained at. From the day view, be able to swipe on the workout completed to color code it for the gym.
2 votes -
To recognise the difference between weights and time ie on treadmilll
Recognise timing rather than just weights
1 vote -
I would like to be able to put in the type/color band I use for weight training
I would like to be able to put in the type/color band I use for weight training
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Enter stats during workout not after
It would be great to be able to enter stats right after finishing a set while I'm resting between sets. Otherwise I have to take paper notes to enter the info at the end.
1 vote -
Pre-enter weight information the night before a session
The night before I workout, I like to look at the upcoming session to see what I'm scheduled to do. It'd be nice if I could pre-populate all of the weights for each set the night before so I don't have to think about it while I'm at the gym. This also saves me a bit of time in the morning so I can organize my weights/equipment more quickly.
Right now, I can only do this if I begin the workout which then messes with the logging of the date and the time to complete the session.
1 vote -
A historical record of workout programmes
A record of previous workout programmes with the weights and reps - so basically a historical summary. Once my trainer uploads my new workouts I can’t look back at old programmes to see how many reps or what weights I did - this is a shame and would be helpful to see. Also useful to see for progression
1 vote -
Show past workout weights on Apple Watch
I can start a workout from Apple Watch but have to carry my phone with me to look up that specific workout history and weights for progressive overloading.
This data should be visible on the watch interface itself like other apps such as Strong do.3 votes -
Allow 0 for time of exercise
Currently there is no way to log a plank as being 0m 30s as the app does not allow a value of zero.
1 vote -
Delete old workout stats
Be able to delete old workouts and stats. I have found some of my old workout stats were incorrect (I recorded double the weight I was actually using) and so my PR's are skewed by these incorrect stats.
1 vote -
Edit workouts
I would like to be able to edit my future workouts. Currently if I go to tomorrow's or even next week workout the edit button is grayed out. I'm only able to edit once I "Start" the workout. That is a colossal waste of my time in the morning when I just want to begin my set. If I can adjust and save my workouts ahead if time that would be a game changer.
1 vote -
Rest time and logging sets like JEFIT app.
I use various apps and the JEFIT app has a great rest time interface as well as checks off sets as they’re completed. It’d be great if this app had similar features. I don’t see an easy way to adjust the rest on individual sets.
1 vote -
Add ability to make your own personalized workout plan
Take exercises from current workout plans to make your own workout week/plan tailored to your schedule and exercises that work for you
4 votes -
Preference for default video speed (1.5x)
Be able to set a default for video speed (ex 1.5x)
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Substitution clears current progress
If you substitute an exer6mid session it clears all the data you have entered during the session
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I need to be able to save and RECALL my workouts so I do not have to enter them EVERY FICKING DAY
Just read the title. It’s ridiculous that I have to enter my workouts every time I go to the gym because your program will not let me recall prior workouts
2 votes
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