Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
335 results found
Integrate with Cronometer for meal tracking
Add Cronometer as a meal tracker. Allow meal information to automatically be added from Cronometer. Cronometer tracks all macros so I can see how much of various vitamins etc I am getting everyday. It also allows recipe and meals to be stored for easy logging.
2 votes -
Chronometer is a great meal tracking app. It would be great to be able to connect it.
1 vote -
Huawei integration
Huawei health integration. Be user friendly with Huawei users.
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1 vote
Combine circle material with this app
It would be great if we can have all the circle app materials here or vise versa. All in one app.
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Integrate meal tracking with “hitmeal”
Hitmeal is an app similar to myfitness pal and integrating here would make it much simpler to share macros for meals
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1 vote
Add Strava
Strava is more widely used than Garmin and other integrations currently available
7 votes -
1 vote
Widget Colours Need Adjusting
Widgets which have a black background and darkest grey text are virtually unreadable and a tad pointless!!! Annoying because the widgets themselves are super useful!
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3 votes
Add app connectivity
I have a bluetooth bmi scale that uses OkOk international app. Would love to be able to use this to track my bmi goal progress
1 vote -
Grocery Brand names are all us I am in canada
Grocery brands are all US and unable to buy these brands in Canada so this is useless to anyone living outside of the USA
1 vote -
Mettre cette application en français
Il serait grandement appréciable de pouvoir bénéficier de la traduction dans d'autres langues sur cette application, tout en ayant accès au français. J'espère que dans la prochaine mise à jour, nous aurons la possibilité de trouver cette option dans les paramètres de choix de langue.
1 vote -
Samsung Health Integration
This is VERY important to us as well. We've had numerous clients canceling the past few weeks simply because they're unable to connect Samsung Health to Trainerize. If this persists, we will unfortunately have to consider finding an alternative platform to use for client management. This is the last thing we want to do because we've been using Trainerize for 6+ years (since September 2018).
46 votes -
Connect to whoop for sleep tracking recovery etx
Connect to whoop to have whoop data in trainersize and export workout plans to whoop load tracker functionality
24 votes -
Fitbit and other app connection help files
Fitbit is connected and tries to sync but it's unclear if it's worked. Now the system is taking only data from the Fitbit app but no matter how I disconnect the Fitbit and reconnect then resync it doesn't not txfr data, please can you advise or generate a help file on this type of issue.
1 vote -
Can you make this compatible with mynetdiary? I dont use myfittnesspal because it sucks
Mynetdiary compatibility please. I will not use my fitness pal
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1 vote
Intrgration witn Nutracheck
Integration with Nutracheck, it's far better than MFP and most people who use it, pay for premium which gives access to far more info.
16 votes
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