Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
1142 results found
Family membership
Having a Family membership that allows each member to have their own personal profile and do their own program independently.
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Have a pause option to pause the workout.
Just have a pause option. Sometimes when working out at home I have to run help kids or sometimes equipment are all taken at the gym so I would want to come home and finish my workout. I would love to pause workout option so the workout is not just running if I have to run take care of something else.
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Have mobility set up like the weight lifting.
I am still using my old mobility routine bc I can't keep pausing the video, video also feels pretty rushed.1 vote -
Get rid of the 60s timer that auto runs.
When starting a workout with video a 60s timer runs instead of the timer of the video. This completely messes up the tracking of my heart rate, caloric burn etc because when I start the actual workout video it pauses the workout due to this other timer. Frustrating to see none of your effort was recorded after you did the workout.
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1 vote
Add gym workouts based on time
Base it on average time spent at gym and not program
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Add a library of Stefan's follow along YouTube videos with the abolity to self schedule them into your weekly workouts
Add all his follow along YouTube videos into the app so that o e can schedule them as additional workouts into your exercise routine. There are gems of videos from 3+ years on YouTube but one can't add them yourself into your schedule
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Add workouts from Fitqueen to fitqueen vip
Would love if the purchased workouts from original fitqueen app Were merged and available on my fitqueen Vip app. Then they would also be tracked through the apple watch feature and I would not need two apps on my phone.
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add general aerobics
When substituting the designated cardio option it would be nice to have an option for “general aerobic” or even kick boxing! You can add a class but it doesn’t let me substitute my elliptical for a class or offer an aerobic workout as a substitute.
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Bug fix for main workout phase not recording heart rate
Without fail, every time I use this app, the heart rate tracker works for the warm up and cool down but NEVER works for the main workout on my Apple Watch. This has been happening for four months and it’s very frustrating. I’ve removed and redownloaded the app on both devices and it consistently never gives me my heart rate for the main workout which is where it’s most important.
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Tina I
Ability for user (not the trainer) to reorder or modify the exercises established by the trainer into supersets or giant sets
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Casting workouts to TV
It would be nice if I could actually cast my workout to my TV from my phone, but there’s no option to do that. I’m stuck having to look at my small screen when I could either put it to my computer or my TV like you can do with pretty much everything else that’s a video, but not on this app
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Inclusiveness and diversity: Incorporate modified seated versions of exercises for disabled and elderly from beginner to experienced
People with chronic diseases will be encouraged to see themselves in exercise videos. People with arthritis, obesity, MS, CP, elderly, diabetic limb loss, vertigo would love to aee themselves depicted in videos. Show diversity in race, gender, age and ability. All humans have the right to exercise and move their bodies.
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Add a feature to list exercises by muscle group
The current feature is a word search to list exercises that have a word in the title. This is ok, but you have to know the name of an exercise. If one wants to simple look at what exercises are available for say legs there is not a feature to accomplish it. Simply add the property muscle_group to the exercise object and create a selection and list feature.
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Easier reading experience
Im 53 and I workout without my reading glasses If you could give each set square a high contrast color or make the margins wider it would help a lot to find it on the screen as currently I sometimes tap outside of it and have to do it 2 or 3 times to enter the set information
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Being able to leave comments/notes after a work out.
I always have questions during or after a set of workouts but forget exactly what it is or was so having a box to leave a note or questions for the trainer would be great
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Fix 10 rep max
If I do more than 10 reps - my 10 rep max stays the same even if I have lifted heavier
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Notes in Workouts
Notes taken during active workouts should be tagged to the specific lift, and then reviewable during any workout so you can see notes taken before. Would be helpful when notes on specific movement, equipment, or set/rep count is wanted.
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Make everything available online to edit.
It's frustrating not being able to edit everything online from a pc. I don't want to be adding workouts and creating meals and doing all this tedious work from a cell phone. I want to log into my account and make changes. I also don't want to be 100% reliant on the trainer that I'm working with. I would like to have more options as I'm paying for the service.
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Workout Glossary for beginners
A workout that describes parts of the body being worked out. Gym terminology pertaining to exercise sets and reps.
2 votes
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