Toggle between 2 trainers I subscribed to
I have daily workouts with 1 trainer as well as several I use with another who also provides nutritional information. (As a dietician). I always have to log out and log back into the other

Anonymous commented
App should retain multiple profiles like google and allow a user to quick switch (with saved passwords) between multiple accounts/profiles
Ej Clark commented
It would be a lot more convenient to be able to swap trainers easily within the app. It has been proven difficult (and annoying) especially on the go.
Patricia Prokopiw commented
It is time consuming to keep more than one coach updated switching in and out of the app. It would make the app much more user friendly if it had this feature
Kyli Arford commented
Yes!! Please! This one is huge for me. I have a fitness trainer and a nutrition coach both using Trainerize and instead of being able to toggle between trainers I have to log completely out of the app. My workaround is to have Trainerize on two separate devices but doing it this way still makes me sync my Fitbit data each time.
Anonymous commented
Being able to toggle between accounts without having to log out/log in would be ideal. Having to go through the setup and syncing things like health data and MFP each time (daily) is annoying to the point of not wanting to use the App for myself or my clients
- commented
I work in two cities, and I have two PTs. one in London, one My home town.
How can I switch between the workouts assigned by both of them quickly, efficiently and without the hassle of login entries.. -
Mike commented
I like the platform, but do not like having to logout too switch between programs. Plus having to go through all the setup questions each time.
Micaela commented
Yes! Work with a nutrition and fitness coach and it’s incredibly difficult to switch between accounts throughout the day
Nik commented
I have access to trainerize from two different "gyms," one from personal trainer and one from gym not linked to the personal trainer. I would like to be able to have access to all of my trainerize instructors in 1 app instead of two. Also, when there are two...I can not link Fitbit/Myfitnesspal/Withings in BOTH's having me choose which ONE app I would like to integrate stats with.
Anonymous commented
Have to log out to switch trainers. That’s not convienient
Steph commented
I use this app as both a trainer and a client. Switching between the two requires me to log in and out each time, even though I use the same email address for both. This is time consuming and annoying, and causes me to frequently miss messages from my coach and clients. Please PLEASE find a way to integrate accounts!!!
Jordan commented
Working with two trainers at the moment (one for mobility, one for strength/physique) and wanting to switch between the two accounts at ease. Having to log out and back in every time is a bit of a hassle!
Charnelle Creech commented
If you have more than one account with two trainers you should be able to log into both at the same time to keep track rather than having to log in and out of each one.
Anonymous commented
I have 3 accounts, one for my own plan, one for my clients (as an independent trainer), and another through a gym. It would be nice to have an easy switch between the accounts, like how Instagram allows you to switch.
Anonymous commented
Allow users to have to login accounts personal... and one to switch between for your clients
Star Andrews commented
Be able to toggle if you have more than one account I.e if you are a coach and client as well.
Anonymous commented
I have one trainer for workouts & a different one for nutrition. I have to log out & log in & resync my fitness pal EVER TIME I switch to !
Anonymous commented
I follow two separate programs with two separate trainers who both use Trainerize. Each time I want to check my exercises for the day and update my stats, I have to log in and out to switch businesses for each program. An in-app option to switch programs would be significantly easier.
Bear commented
Yes definitely would like to have the toggle between accounts option as a trainer and a client.
Anonymous commented
I have two trainers who do different things for me and I would love to toggle between the two for easier tracking daily