Have sets and weights auto fill with previous numbers.
When I start a new workout or cardio, have the previous numbers default so that I don't have to navigate big fingers on tiny numbers. I can change if needed but it will save typing again if the same.
Hi Everyone!
This idea is now completed. Clients can now quickly auto-fill previous exercise stats, saving time and simplifying progress tracking. Just toggle the auto-fill option at the start of the workout and get moving faster! Learn more.
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Jini Scammell-Tinling commented
This is a very poor idea if auto-fill from day to day. If a measurement is not taken, then it’s left alone. If you’re emulating science data, you only plot measured values. Otherwise if I weigh 130 one Sat. and don’t remeasure for say ten days and I weigh 122, auto-generation would show 130 everyday until the ninth day and on Tues. I will show a one day loss of 8 pounds.
Anonymous commented
Make the box to enter reps/ weight, etc larger.
Meaghan Watson commented
I don’t like this one because I typically have different sets and reps, and almost always increase my weights even just a tiny bit each time I do the exercise. Maybe just have the OPTION for auto fill, but don’t automatically have it do that. Please!
Jason Gressett commented
Tie the previous numbers to the movement in a named workout not just the movement. If I do front squats in workout #1 on Monday and do them again in workout #2 on Thursday but Monday was heavy day and Thursday was moderate/light day, then when I do workout #1 next Monday I want to see my heavy day numbers not just the numbers for the last time I did front squats because that would be the numbers for my moderate/light day.
Anonymous commented
Please make this optional. Some weeks I'll do low reps and heavy weights and some I'll do high reps and low weights of the same exercise.
Kristi commented
Also add text with number of reps. So if using a resistance band what color you used.
Lisa Koreis commented
I like this idea but please make it optional. I use the blank spaces to remember which set I am on.
Anonymous commented
I agree :)
Rebecca commented
If this is done please make this optional and not auto because I use the entries to track where I am in the workout!
Anonymous commented
This has been floating around since 2015? Ridicolous response times here.
Maura Sullivan commented
I agree with this one. Makes sense
David commented
I use the blank entries to keep track of where I am so if they are auto populated then it would be good to have some other guide to show which entries have not yet been added as part of that session.
Craig Perkel commented
The number of reps should automatically fill at least. My trainer puts in the reps into the workout before hand so I seems pointless that I have to fill them in again.
The left and right arrows to move around the input blocks would also be great
Anonymous commented
If you press track, and then done it will automatically update with the recommended weight.
Emily commented
Agreed. At a minimum, autopopulate with the day's prescribed amounts.
Christina T. Madrid commented
Yes!! Or an auto fill button if I completed everything as prescribed but only need to make one or two changes
Rnk commented
But make it optional in settings
Jane commented
Definitely. Also speeds up entry