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216 results found

  1. Macros

    Be able to set up a meal plan and see what the macros end up for the entire "day" without having to add up all the meal individually

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  2. 2 meals a day in meal planner

    I want to be able to choose 2 meals per day for people doing IF. If you don’t think it is a healthy option put a disclaimer on it or something, but I can’t use the planner properly for someone eating two meals per day. Or at least I want to have a way to make the first two meals smaller and the last meal bigger since the first two might be eaten close togeher

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  3. Different diets for different people

    Not every one can do a high protein diet. Please add alt options for people with things like CKD, Diabetic, low sodium, ect.

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  4. Edit/flexibility with meals

    Be able to the meal options provided such as removing an ingredient from a recipe/meal and then the macros would adjust without that ingredient.

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  5. Make a better meal planner that optimize shopping cart smaller

    Make it optimizing grocery list. When creating a meal plan for 2 days for example, it generates a grocery list that is too huge. Maybe the recipes are too fancy and complicated. Sometimes you get two items that are almost identical coming from two recipes but they are considered separate since the label is not the same

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  6. ability to favorite certain meals

    allow user to favorite a meal and place it in a favorites folder. list macros with title of meal.

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  7. Multiple search criteria

    I would like to be able to search for a specific food that is also in a Helix or low carb recipe. Right now I can only search on one or the other.

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  8. Export or copy grocery list

    Function to copy or export the grocery list

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  9. Fewer meals for the week

    I work sometimes 6 days straight. I don’t want a different meal I need to cook every day or 18 different meals for the week. Why isn’t there a meal prep? 3 or 4 meals that get us through the work week. I find that more useful.

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  10. Recipe building in the app

    Please add in the function that will allow us to build a meal in the custom area, instead of having to add in the different components every time. This works in My Fitness Pal, please look into adding the same functionality to your app.

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  11. Improve meal planning

    When looking for a meal that you've been assigned previously, and wish to swap for that meal- it has somehow disappeared from your database.

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  12. Recommend meals based off remaining macros

    When I go to Discover for meals, be nice to have option for it to recommend meals or foods based off of what macros I have remaining

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  13. Ability to view/explore meals without entering the “Add Meals” function would be helpful in browsing and editing foods and meals. Thanks!

    it would be helpful to add the ability to view and explore meals and foods without entering the ad meal function. Currently the workflow is that you enter through the Add Meal function, and then can create a meal or explore. I would like the ability to just simply explore recipes and options without entering the add meal function.

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  14. Prior foods appearing first

    When searching for food, prior used foods to appear first followed by other suggestions just so when you’re inputting food, you don’t have to scroll constantly for items you use frequently

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  15. Exclude hardboiled eggs but keep regular cooked eggs

    I don't like hardboiled eggs. How do I exclude them while keeping regular scrambled eggs available in the search

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  16. Have the first (training) video on a much slower pace. The man has an accent and it's hard for me to understand him and he pushes it fast.

    Have the first (training) video on a much slower pace. The man has an accent and it's hard for me to understand him and I feel that he pushes the training too fast. I've struggled the entire time I have been on the program since I've missed that initial training covering all the basics. I've tried replaing the video a number of times, but I continue to not understand it. :- (

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  17. Ingredient database (for meal plans)

    We need to be able to select ingredients from a database (like on Kahunas & MyFitnessPal) so that we can build out clients individual meal plans.

    For example, on Kahunas & MyFitnesspal, you can type in a specific type of Oats from a shop and it will more than likely give you the item of food with the correct calories & macronutrients.

    Please take ideas from Kahunas’s database layout as it is great! I love Trainerize & want to stay here, so this is bery much needed!

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  18. More food planning options

    In Custom food there should be more options to customize your food entry like in my fitness pal. For example im not able to enter separate ingredients for a specific recipe just the macros and there is no Serving option to choose from as well, this would help a lot. Also when choosing and food in your history, you should have the option of deleting foods that you dont use as much anymore or don’t intend to use in the future so you wont have to go through a HUGE list of foods just to find a specific food. This…

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  19. Macros and ingredients

    Being able to check macros week to date and also being able to remove or swap ingredients

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  20. Actually make it personalized and it would be helpful

    The meals do NOT fit my busy lifestyle I cant cook every 38 minutes this was promised to be personalized and it is not

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