Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
1143 results found
Review max weight
I am trying to find my max weight on a previous exercise but can’t search for anything, it would be great if I could just for an exercise to review previous progress.
3 votes -
Mix Rep and Timed exercises within a guided workout.
One workout should guide you through both timed and rep exercises. For rep exercises, wait until the user clicks next to proceed. Timed work as they do now. The app is essentially useless without this enhancement.
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2 votes
Add rollerblading!
Being able to add rollerblading would be awesome! Right now I either know how far I’ve gone or just calories.
5 votes -
me gustaría que cuando acabara mi plan 54 D, poder seguir con otra etapa de mantenimiento permanente
Poder seguir entrenando después de terminar el plan , seguir con un plan de mantenimiento permanente
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2 votes
Add the workout timer in the app
I have to switch between apps, it would be more beneficial to have the workout timer in the app the way that you have the rest timer set up.
2 votes -
Display how many calories you have burnt with workout
Display how many calories you have burnt with workout. E.g 10 deadlift x 100kg = 30 calories burnt
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Disable the need to enter reps for “timed” exercises
When I start a round of certain exercises, everything goes on a timer. I’ll keep doing that exercise til the timer stops then go onto the next one. Let’s say I do 4 rounds, hit “complete”, then I’m prompted to enter number of reps. There’s no way I’m going to remember how many reps I did of a certain exercise during the timed workout over the course of 30 minutes. It’s tedious and takes away from the exercise if I have to pause and fill it out. Can this function be taken away?
3 votes -
Leaderboard and easier WOD input
Have a leaderboard for each box. And have the WOD already populated with reps, weight based in RX and scaled
5 votes -
Error checking
If I enter data, do a reasonable sanity check before you let me save. For instance if I did 3 sets of 6 @ 100 pounds but the 4th set has 1000 pounds, it's probably an error.
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2 votes
Stats customization to the workouts
Allowed to select the stats we want to save. Stats sometimes don’t have anything (generic) to do with the workout we are doing.
3 votes -
Be able to still see your PBs if you click off a workout, rather than just showing completed sessions
Always get disappointed when I accidentally click off a workout/close Trainerize only to realise that I'll now not see if I've got any new PBs
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Sync workouts with outside apps
I use Seconds as an interval timer and I suggest you guys add the ability to sync recorded workouts from outside apps to Trainerize
6 votes -
Allow people to upload workouts from other apps
Enjoy the workouts I have but I like to switch it up and throw in new workouts from Pinterest or previous programs being able to input it through the app would be a great feature.
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2 votes
Be able to track specific exercises in the general workout area
Be able to track specific exercises in the general workout area
5 votes -
Add different studio classes
Would love to be able to add studio livestream classes
2 votes -
An option to upload a photo of workout. For exanple a bootcamp or circuit class
An option to upload a photo of your workout instead of typing it in manually. For example when you do a gym bootcamp or circuit class to show your trainer or PT.
2 votes
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