Display of which muscles will be worked on with so and so exercise
Under the demonstrations of the exercise, if a section also explain that this exercise will help build this muscle in the body, that will be greatly helpful

Anonymous commented
That would be great!!!
Jazmyn commented
Jazmyn commented
A black and white of the human body in sketch form. Shown as a scan of the muscles, the muscles being worked should be highlighted red to symbolize burn areas. To know which muscles will be targeted will give more knowledge of workout and motivation to target area.
Anonymous commented
Yes! This would be great to get the most out of your workouts!
Anonymous commented
It should be mentioned so that we can make a better muscle and mind connection or we come to know about our improper form.
Andy Thomas commented
Great idea, especially when u have to substitute a certain workout
Anonymous commented
That would ve AWESOME .
Lawrence commented
Be better of there a picture that highlight the muscle group for each workout
Melissa commented
See what workouts work which muscles so we can substitute something that works the same muscle.
Lauren Furmanski commented
The videos are great for showing you the movement, but its not always clear what muscle groups I should be engaging. Add more of a description like "feel it in your ___" or pictures like what's on the weight machines with the highlighted area.
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely important to people that aren't aware of what good a set exercise is working; so have the human being, with which ever area is being worked in the workout plan, so that at a quick glance I can see a squat is working"(insert) muscles"
Qianqian commented
This is the most important feature should come together with the video and instructions!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
This would be excellent! Then when needed to substitute an exercise you could simply search by muscle working
Patrick commented
For every workout that your trainer sets, allow for a muscle diagram of the body to show which muscles it is working.
Anonymous commented
Oohhhh good one!
Terri commented
A picture or name of the targeted muscle group for each excercise. This might make it easier to find a substitute machine or excercise if needed.
Jini Scammell-Tinling commented
I agree
Anonymous commented
With each exercise performed, allow a comment next to that individual workout so client can report where they feel the workout in their muscle and if it hurts them at all.