Ability to track your mood or feelings for the day
Your relationship with food is often linked to emotion so thinking about how you felt on a day is good to track against whether you stuck to plan that day
Tor William Head commented
It's called, TEXT YOUR COACH. Unless its a full on nervous breakdown, just give your coach a heads up. They are trained and request a call, like a real voice call. They do that and you'll feel better in no time. (Well, unless you've downed a whole 9 layer Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting in one sitting and half gallon of Rocky Road, then, just Heave)
Saby Thoma commented
This is the only other reason I want to track my meals besides making sure I am hitting my micros,
Michelle H. commented
Yes. More of an "other" section even- mood, pain level (for those needing to adjust do to chronic pain), schedule change which forced a meal change, etc.
Anonymous commented
Yes I agree this app definitely needs a space for people to keep a journal of their fitness and exercise journey.
Anonymous commented
A tab with the rest at bottom of app "notes" or "journal" to document thoughts on meal plans, changes to make for self, mood, health, etc. For instance, I have a few chronic medical conditions. It would benefit me to track if I have concerns on a particular day so that over time I would be able to see if certain foods or exercises exacerbate an issue
Arynn commented
Have a "smiley face scale" with a few common moods: happy, sad, frustrated, angry, confident, stressed, calm, other.
Kaz commented
A general comment box how u felt.. so if u had a bad day why or good why.. so u can see maybe why things happen
Jenn commented
It would be great to have a way to track how we feel throughout the day. I get migraines or food reactions or feel tired and I would like to track it.
Anonymous commented
Before your workout you can enter on a scale 1-10 or from (very bad, bad, ok, good, very good scale) for these categories. How good did you sleep. How well have you eaten today. What mood are you in. How sore are you. Great to note these things before you train. Saw this on another app and thought it was a great idea!
Terrie commented
YES! Not necessarily a food journal or a work out journal. But a place to keep track of how I was feeling that day, what essential oils I used, my bp and blood sugar for the day...etc.
Anonymous commented
I want to let out my feelings on this app
Anonymous commented
Journal entry on how you feel, your mood, motivation, goals etc, or you can have a checkbox for well being scaling 1-10
Anonymous commented
Add a diary feature to the app where the client can write in their comments/thoughts about the workout or how their body is feeling in general.