Provide alternate exercises when searching to substitute exercises
Provide alternative exercise options in cases where specific machines are not available to clients (i.e., my gym does not have a standing calf raise machine so I use a seated machine)
Right now it shows the entire list of exercises. It should only narrow down to the ones that are similar.

Hi everyone,
We're excited to announce that this feature will be coming to Trainerize!
We are currently in the research phase and would love to hear exactly what it is that you want us to build.
Thank you for voting!
Kelly Adams commented
Thank you for submitting this idea!! I think it very darn time I use the app. So many wasted minutes searching for exercises or machines we don’t have at Biltmore AZ
Jason Priest commented
Yes! This gets super annoying when trying to substitute an exercise in my trainer's plan
Jeff Braaten commented
Would definitely like a program of all body weight exercises combined with mobility.
Anonymous commented
fitbod app does a really great job of this. I actually use it to guide my replacement exercise when I need to
Anonymous commented
Currently, the more detail you add in the search bar the more exercises populate in results, making it harder to find a specific exercise.
Recommend adding binary search functionality (and, or) to refine or broaden results as desired. As it is today, it uses "or" by default.
Anonymous commented
Need some changes in excercise
Anonymous commented
Definitely more alternative exercises for home gyms with limited equipment.
Anonymous commented
Show different and specific options for exercises in case of limitations to do previous or current injury ‘ age, athletic ability, etc. Each option should correspond directly to working the same muscle group. There shouldn’t be a long and confusing list. Show easier and harder modifications. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Yes. Some of us are older and even a squat may be difficult. I know how to adapt most of the workouts for myself, but some people may not know they are allowed to not go so low or to use support if needed. A lot of workouts are geared for younger people so adaptations for the older crowd would be helpful because, if you’re 60 and trying to keep up with a 25-30 year old performing the exercises, you want to quit since you can’t keep up. It takes us older folks twice as long to get back into shape.
Nana commented
Currently the substitute button pulls up a variety of exercises. I would suggest that you limit this function to only display exercises that would work the same general muscle group. I.e. if I am trying to substitute a glute ham raise dont allow bicep curls to display when I want to substitute.
Anonymous commented
especially stuff like yoga or rock climbing or trail running!
Anonymous commented
Lcr commented
It would be so nice to have the progression of each exercise especially for the moves that don't involve machines... For instance dead bug heel taps progress to leg lifts progress to I don't know what. So if we find we're getting stronger we know what the next level move is... Or if we can't quite do the move we can adjust down a level, but be working towards being able to do the more advanced moves.
Christian Q commented
Alternative home workouts would be great, for when we don’t have certain equipment to use.
Anonymous commented
Also for at home. Some exercises cause me pain so I’ve been having to modify them myself.
Anonymous commented
Even with the search feature it takes forever to find a substitute....would be easier if you could also search by category
Marissa Heater commented
When swapping moves it would be nice to have a filter option to separate exercises by muscle group. So if I can’t do jump squats because of injury I can pick from a list of movements that I could substitute due to limited mobility rather than. Searching just by movement name because so many movements have multiple names
Anonymous commented
More hiit
Weights with more lying down -
Ayana commented
This was the exact idea I came to submit !
Anonymous commented
And, for example, could add Pilates