Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
241 results found
Allow input of steps manually
Why not? Everything else can be entered manually
22 votes -
Connect to Resmed CPAP machines
It shoes your sleep productivity.
1 vote -
Daily goals simplification
Would be nice to have the ability to simply check off completion of daily goal instead of going through 4 diferent pages.... this part is a bit anoying.
2 votes -
One tap to do list check off
There are 4 taps ever time you check something off the to do list because of the pop offs it creates. This makes the process long and annoying for the consumer especially when you want to check multiple things off the list. Please make it a one tap check off.
20 votes -
Daily or weekly goals
Section for daily or weekly goals what can be ticked off. I find this will provide motivation as I’m looking at the app daily and hold me more accountable to those. Coach can also keep track of those.
5 votes -
Salt Intake Tracker
Be able to set a total daily amount and track it as you do carbs, fat and protein. Would be very helpful for those of us on a low salt diet.
1 vote -
Option to log emotions or write notes at the time of eating and/or training
I think it would be amazing to have the option to identify emotions and/or a place to write notes about what deterred me from my healthy eating habits or why I didn't workout as planned. For example: I was feeling stressed out from work; I had an argument with my significant other; a close friend/family member passed away; I got married; I lost my job; I got divorced; I'm overtired; at a holiday party and my self-restraint was gone; I felt depressed or lonely; and any other life factors that impact healthy eating, motivation, and focus. This feature would tell…
4 votes -
Reading List
Be able to track and tick off reading lists
1 vote -
My progress tiles for prior days
When looking back at historical data, please make the calories consumed/burned, step count, etc values display as that day's value, not current day
1 vote -
Diary/Journal feature
A feature that allows journaling/notetaking for what is going on that day in terms of health, mood, challenges, especially for those of us who have mental health and physical challenges that we strive to overcome to meet goals
11 votes -
Behavior streaks should maintain even when retroactively filled in.
If I perform the behavior but forget to click the button, I lose my streak. Not in reality, just in the app. There should be no penalty for going back a day or two and filling in missed behavior markers.
15 votes -
Edit goals
Can I edit my personal goals with my trainer after I have started?
12 votes -
Total weight moved
In the Strong app it shows the total weight moved for each exercise and a total workout. This is helpful for an overall progress indicator when you excel in one exercise but perhaps don't on another during a given session.
1 vote -
Fix milestone awards
Yesterday I accidentally pressed the hike button on my Fitbit. After recording a 2 second hike, the app awarded me a 75 hour hiking milestone. I only joined the app a week ago and already have 50 hours of exercise milestone too. Please fix the milestones so they actually relate to the amount of activity you've done as they seem meaningless otherwise.
3 votes -
Add a water intake widget
Add a water intake widget to track ounces of water drank
6,842 votes -
Digital Diary
Mental health is so important for long term weight loss success otherwise weight loss is a numbers game. It's to be more focused on the body as 360 person so mind body inside outside front back hobbies, habits interests whatever targets everbody ability agility level
4 votes -
A place where you can enter your measurement to watch your progress
I am a large older woman and I have been losing weight I would like to see my progress
4 votes -
Allowing adding and tracking ‘to do’ list items to be added and managed by users
My trainer set tasks/to-do list items for me. I don’t want to go through him to set more. I’d like to create my own. For example, medication reminders on repeat. Or supplement reminders. I could set one to do a meditation or breathing session. Spend 15 minutes outside. There are so many things that I’d like to track in one app, so self customisation would be an ideal solution on some features. Don’t be too restrictive as limitations will be felt by end users.
11 votes -
A stretching/injury prevention routine for pre and post workouts, especially for runs and rucks.
A stretching/injury prevention routine for pre and post workouts, especially for runs and rucks.
1 vote -
notes section
Add a notes section to the day, so clients can put any info they want their coach to know, how they were feeling that day, struggles etc
40 votes
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