Member - ABC Ignite Engagement
390 results found
Allow more options for Apps or devices to connect
Allow more options for Apps or devices to connect
2 votes -
Combine the two apps
Streamline the app experience by combining both the Eos App and the Eos Personal Training App. There can be a button to take you to persinal training info, if applicable to you personally. All Data entered could be applied to both sections when they have such data in common (we’ll only be entering our information one time, in one place, saving time and effort.
And with one comprehensive app, instead of two, we’ll save space and storage on our phones.
2 votes -
Have a history available of all measurements and other logged information. Graph of each. If this is already available, I didn’t see it.
Also, have clear directions on the homepage for this feature.
2 votes -
Widget for bar code scan-in
Make a widget for bar code to scan in with our phones.
2 votes -
Allow option online to push payment back
Give us an option to push back a payment if needed
2 votes -
Membership details should be available as far as what comes with our membership
Membership details should be available as far as what comes with our membership
31 votes -
2 votes
2 votes
Gym Closing Times Must Be Clearly Communicated
You must display the gym’s closing times on your app and notify members via message or email.
On Thursday, December 19th, the gym closed at 4 PM without any prior notice. The mobile app even indicated that the gym was open. I went to the gym as usual, only to find it closed, along with several other members standing outside without any explanation.
This closure was not announced on your website either. The only way to find out about the holiday closure was by clicking a tiny button in the bottom right corner of the page. Who checks the website…
2 votes -
69 votes
Show clock in time
I wanna see what time I clock in so I know how long I was at the gym
2 votes -
Gym Buddy Management via app
Short term guest pass availability only via app
11 votes -
Have trainers enter training data into your app profile
I would like to see the data my trainer takes like exercises with set and rep counts, weight, time, etc, in the app to monitor progress. Also have a trainer base workout plan for days in not working with them, to accomplish my goals
2 votes -
Opinion en español
Traducción al español
2 votes -
Add calories burned during session/workout
Have it add up the calories you’ve burned during your session/workout
2 votes -
Cancel button. That has been California law since 2018.
Self explanatory. Fitness 19 are abusing predatory practices against consumers despite California law providing consumer protections with bills such as the giving consumers the ability to cancel subscriptions online that has been in place since 2018 and a new law passed last year that requires the one-click cancellation simplifying such a process.
1 vote -
377 votes
Sync with Google's Health Connect, which already links to all the other fitness apps on Android. That way you only have to worry about one..
Google already provides an service to sync health data with all of the apps you are trying to sync with and more called Health Connect. Hook into that instead, and you'll automatically get the important ones, like Samsung health, Fitbit, and Google Fit, which everyone already has on their phones.
67 votes -
Dark mode
Enable dark mode for the app
1 vote -
It would be great to have a feature to let us know about busy times.
Please give us a busy meter!
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?