I want to see how many times I check in per month
As part of my profile it would be nice to see statistics about the number of times I’ve checked into a class or visited the gym.

Check-in History is now available!
Brian Scott Price commented
Any update on the progress?
Katie Paull commented
It would be extremely helpful if there was a spot in the app where it would show all of my past visits each month. My last gym did that and so I was able to know where I was at for insurance purposes. I asked someone at the front desk, 2 different guys, and they said they didn't think the app currently can do that. Thank you!
Mark Samia commented
Most gyms like Equinox and 24 Hour Fitness have this basic feature on their mobile apps. It’s a great visual indicator and motivator for the end user.
Justin Morris commented
A calandee that showed what days you checked in
Arias Wally commented
Every time you check in the gym there should be a category that shows your history of how many times you visited the gym.
Jacki Mayer commented
Need to be able to view my gym check ins. This is required by my insurance company to process my reimbursement.
Karmin Walker commented
Adding in check in history to the app like before with time stamps to see when my workout began for childcare reasons
Sebastian Joel Sabino commented
With the previous app. You had the ability to view your check in history. I am not seeing that anywhere within the new app update!
Amanda commented
Get back the check-ins !!! It’s needed for insurance and work reimbursement! We don’t want to have to ask the front desk every time we need it. We should be able to do this ourself and it’s crazy you didn’t bring this over to the new app.
Amanda commented
This is a must. Why is it not on the new app?!?! Some ppl need it for insurance or work reembirsement . We don’t want to have to go up to the desk all the time to ask!
Amanda commented
It’s needed for health insurance to get reimbursed or for employers who reimburse for working out x amount of times a month ! We need this feature back asap!!! It’s extremely important.
Ms. Hall commented
I came here to add the same idea. It was useful being able to track the number of times you workout.
As part of my profile it would be nice to see statistics about the number of times I’ve checked into a class or visited the gym.
JT commented
Agreed, the other app had a little tracker of the date and time I scanned in and out. Nice metric to have
Labesh commented
I second this. This would be such a motivating feature and would help me keep my self accountable