Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
285 results found
MindBody Appointment Sync
Need to have the calendar from Mindbody sync with Trainerize. We need to have the ability so that clients can book in (schedule in) for a personal training session with a personal trainer using Trainerize phone app. At the moment clients in Mindbody have personal training sessions booked in Mindbody 6months in advance with a personal trainer. They get an email reminder from mindbody about the session the day before but are unable to change or book a future session on an app, (they have to do it via the web). If we have 100 Personal Training clients and 6…
47 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can learn more about it here:’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Other ideas you might be interested in:
Booking MBO classes in Trainerize MBO 1-on-1 PT in Trainerize!
Allow to upload documents (PDF, Word, etc) to our clients profile
It would be nice to be able to share with my clients all sort of documents (evaluations sheets, progress stats, etc).
151 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your feedback. With the latest upgrade, we’ve now added the option to add up to 4 PDF forms as part of the customizable welcome e-mail.
You can upload additional onboarding PDFs or welcome kits in this section that will be automatically sent out whenever you add a new client to Trainerize.
For more information, you can see our help article here: -
Allow users to copy workouts from members area to the workout template area
Workouts created in the workout template area can be sent to the client's area but not vice versa.
If you create a alter a template or create a new workout in a client's area and realise that it is a great program you would have to create it again in the workout template area. It would be useful if you could send a workout from client to the workout template area.
25 votes -
Notes for exercises
Post notes by exercise, not just by workout. Track the order of the exercises.
5 votesThis is already possible! When you’re in the workout builder, for each exercise in the workout, there are “target” box’s for you to type in notes for that given exercise. You can also change the order of the exercise in the workout by dragging and dropping them in the workout builder.
Allow us to create a customized cardio workout like treadmill intervals
I want to put a note in the cardio section with specific times and speeds for an interval workout on the treadmill. There's nowhere to do that and so now I have to email my client with the instructions, which she will have to print out or save elsewhere on her phone when at the gym. A
44 votesHi everyone,
Have you tried using the interval workout feature?
Just drop in various running blocks with rest blocks in between.
You can set the work times and set any speed or zone targets.
Best of all, the client will have the guided timer to go through the workout.
Schedule Messages
Being able to schedule messages in Trainerize would be game changer. Ideally, it would be similar to email scheduling where we can send to people with different tags. This would help us save time if we go out of town, want to systemize our workflow, save employee cost, improve client experience and so forth. Any unread messages from clients would have to stay marked as unread and having the ability to organize messages to unread at the top would be nice too (like gmail).
63 votesHi everyone,
You can now schedule auto-messages in app.
Here’s how you can do it:
Give me a page on which to type random notes about each client.
I need a place to keep notes about each client. I currently have to do this on paper. It would make life a lot easier if I could keep those notes in each client’s Trainerize account.
1 vote -
Options for 45 minute sessions
Options for 45 minute sessions
1 vote -
Turn off messaging for some clients
I would love to be able to turn OFF messaging services for some clients.
I have clients on different tiers, which affects the level of communication they have with me, and would like to be able to turn it off in some cases.
PLEASE make this happen as currently there is no easy way to tell certain clients they 'can't' use the messaging feature. If it's there, they use it!
8 votesHi everyone, Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
In our release in Q3 2019, you can now set one-way messaging for only certain clients.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Allow for group messaging
It would be great to be able to create a group message with all of your clients so that they can cheer each other on, communicate back and forth, and see what other people are struggling with (currently using GroupMe for this since the messages only go through separately to large numbers of clients)
6 votesHi,
You can currently do this by using the group feature.
Allow clients to add pictures to messenger and calendar (food, HR tracker screen shot, workout selfie)
I would like for clients to have the ability to add photos via instant messenger. Things like meal prep being completed, lunch they ordered at work... really anything you may find useful to hold clients accountable. (Video capabilities for form questions would be super cool!)
I would also like this feature available in the calendar. This can be a useful tool for a screen shot or picture of client food journal or heart rate monitor (watch/app) Right now I stay friends with clients on 'my fitness pal' and 'under armour record' so I can monitor food journal and workout performance.
51 votesThis has been launched with our recent few releases. Your clients can now send photos directly in-app via the messenger.
Optimize for square or round shaped logo not just landscape
My logo is more of a square or a circle than it is rectangle or landscape. So I have 2 choices. Either really small logo on startup, or stretch it out for landscape which just looks bad.
5 votesHi John,
This can already be done with the Custom Mobile App program. Our designer will assist you in adapting your logo into a larger format for your own splash screen image.
Client payments
It would be great to have clients pay through trainerize
254 votesHi everyone,
We just recently launched Trainerize Pay officially and you can accept payments and automate fitness content to be added to your clients’ account on purchase.
Please see
Allow me to pay additional money to have the app branded for my company. I would pay a hefty amount to have this be "my companies app".
I would jump at the ability to have this app be custom branded/skinned for my company. Then my customers don't think I'm using an outside service but have developed the app ourselves.
65 votesHi everyone,
This is already available under the custom branded fitness app under Add-ons in the left menu.
20 second rest period feature (helpful for tabata interval workouts)
I would like to have a 20 second rest period added to the site. This would be very helpful for creating proper intervals training workouts for tabata.
5 votes -
bigger business logo on app startup. The 232x60 image is tiny and poor branding for trainers. Could be so much better!
Personalised branding on the mobile app and iPad app is a great idea. But why so small?
At the recommended .png size of 232 x 60 the logo looks so small on the screen you can't even make out my brand name. Please please make this bigger. I spent a lot of effort getting a professional logo so I rally want my clients to see a full sized logo on startup rather than this tiny little image!
104 votesThe logo is now much larger to accomodate the larger screen phones and tablets so they continue to look sharp on the splash screen.
You will noticed we are now showing your logo in the menu too as of our mobile app v3.11.
Sign in and update your logo to the high res version on the web if you haven’t already done so!
Allow Syncing With FitBit Devices and other platforms
Much like clients can already sync their weight with their Withings wifi scale, many users currently own Fitbit Aria wifi scales and it would make sense to allow the same syncing to occur.
115 votesHi everyone,
We’ve added Fitbit integration in our last mobile app release. When a client connects their account, we’ll import their past 2 weeks data. Any new data logged going forward will also be imported. We are currently importing body weight, body fat percentage and their resting heart rate.
We’ll continue improving the integration so please keep your suggestions coming. Let us know how you wish us to evolve with Fitbit.
Why not take this chance to add the power of your vote to these related ideas if they apply? The more popular an idea, the sooner we start it. Thanks!
Sync steps for FitBit :
Apple Watch:
Sync with Polar :
Sync with Garmin :
Tanita Scale:
Digifit :
MyZone :
1 vote
Tabata/Intervals Timer app for cardio workouts
It would be great to have a customizable tabata timer to include with the overall workout both loadable to the client calendar.
231 votesHi everyone,
This feature is now released with Version 3.11 of the mobile app. You can build interval workouts from the web or mobile app now and your clients will have the built-in timer so they have to toggle out to another app anymore.
We’re definitely working to make the timer better over time so any suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Some trainers have started another thread here:!
Have an auto save feature for intra workout tracking .
3 times I switched out of trainer ire to look at something else in my iPad for reference to my workout and all 3 times it autologous me out of my workout. I'm lucky I have a good memory with the weights reps and sets that I complete or I would have lost valuable information. Instead, just about 15minutes trying to refill everything in 3 times. I could see this being a common issue for my clients that chat on their phones a lot during their rest periods .
9 votesWe bumped this up to the top of the list. This feature will be out in the update this Friday.
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