Have an auto save feature for intra workout tracking .
3 times I switched out of trainer ire to look at something else in my iPad for reference to my workout and all 3 times it autologous me out of my workout. I'm lucky I have a good memory with the weights reps and sets that I complete or I would have lost valuable information. Instead, just about 15minutes trying to refill everything in 3 times. I could see this being a common issue for my clients that chat on their phones a lot during their rest periods .

We bumped this up to the top of the list. This feature will be out in the update this Friday.
Alvin Nurse commented
An autosave feature would be great. Before the big changes to the app (which, for the most part, are great), it used to save most of what you had recently put in, if the app was accidentally closed, crashed or you didn't press Save.
At the moment I am having a lot of issues where clients get to the end of their session, and because they are concentrating on their cooldown routine or maybe just eager to get home, they forget to press END. So then I get an email at the end of the day saying they missed their workout, when in actuality they did it, but it didn't save. Trying to get them to go back and try to fill in their info from memory, is both an annoyance to them, and a bit of a waste of time, because they probably won't put the info in accurately. So some kind of autosave feature is needed.
Jonathan Grooms commented
This one I want the most. The app is great, I've tried many and this is the best. However, if it crashes and erases everything you just put in (Be it you or a client) then whats the point? This has happened to me on an ipad and android phone. Just today, nearly finished a workout with a client, then it crashed. Everything gone. An auto save feature should have importance of implementation above EVERYTHING.
Elis Mar Einarsson commented
This also happened to me few times on Android.
I noticed that sometimes when I start the app the first time, it closes and reopens. Probably some kind of a update function, but when this happens during tracking that's not good.
Happened once when I accidentally dobbel pressed my home button and opened my camera. As I pressed the home button again, and opened Trainerizer, the app closed and reopened and all was lost.
Gregg Cerenzio commented
Both online and in-app, it should auto-save at every heart beat. Never should I build a workout, have the browser crash, and lose everything. Hit the back button by accident, and lose everything, close the app.... you get the point. I type ANYTHING, its saved. That's what we need.