Allow clients to add pictures to messenger and calendar (food, HR tracker screen shot, workout selfie)
I would like for clients to have the ability to add photos via instant messenger. Things like meal prep being completed, lunch they ordered at work... really anything you may find useful to hold clients accountable. (Video capabilities for form questions would be super cool!)
I would also like this feature available in the calendar. This can be a useful tool for a screen shot or picture of client food journal or heart rate monitor (watch/app) Right now I stay friends with clients on 'my fitness pal' and 'under armour record' so I can monitor food journal and workout performance.

This has been launched with our recent few releases. Your clients can now send photos directly in-app via the messenger.
Amy Hapgood commented
and videos for quick on the fly messages from my desk top to their phone while they train i.e. progression for an injury