Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
285 results found
23 votes
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can now connect your Dutch Stripe account directly into Trainerize and make use of all the integrated automation features available.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to add your vote to other ideas.
Other payment ideas: appointment booking ideas:!
Ability to invite unlimited non-digital coaching clients to make appointments and take payments without taking up an active client seat.
I have to reactive someone’s account and set up a subscription right now. I wish I could just let people book appointments and make payments without taking a digital coaching seat. Something like a "lite" client account.
Have unlimited people you can invite to pay and book appointments.
22 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can learn more about it
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Be able to build a workout on the spot for the day.
Allow my client or me to just add a workout that wasn't in the training plan on the fly.
22 votes -
Allow vimeo videos to be uploaded for training demonstrations
As of right now, there's only one option to use to upload videos which is Youtube. Using Vimeo provides better quality back to clients(especially visually) and overall experience.
22 votesHi everyone,
We’ve performed a huge upgrade with the Trainerize platform on Friday. We’ve now launched the Video Drive so you can seamlessly upload videos in app, without needing to go to YouTube or Vimeo, syncing them and deal with the messy permissions.
Learn more about this in your add-ons section under Video Drive.
Allow Notes from the previous workout to be viewed on the current workout
We can view weights and of previous workouts but not notes.
It would be great to know where a client had difficulty on a particular exercise. Setting or equipment adjustments. Or any other information from the previous workout that would effect the current workout's coaching.
22 votes -
Add more stock exercises
Add more exercises that come out of the box in the platform.
Please add to the comments what you would like to see.
21 votesHi everyone, Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed as it is quite general and we added a whole bunch of new exercises!
We’re returning your vote to you.
If there’s a specific exercise you need, please suggest it here:!
Being able to add and access client profiles on the mobile site / iPhone app
We're exploring the idea of adding features to the mobile side to allow you to access your client information on the go.
21 votes -
Add custom badges
I have a personalised app & love it but the badges just don’t match the rest of the theme at all - it’s a minor thing & doesn’t cause any problems obviously I just think it would be nice if we could chose how that looked & make it more personal
20 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! With any enterprise plan, you can now include your set of custom designed badges to your enterprise custom app.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ability to skip forward exercises Interval Training
When using the track functionality for an Interval Training it would be great to have some more control. I suggest adding forward and backward buttons allowing people to skip or go back exercises
20 votes -
Automation for add-ons
I would love if the product "add-ons" had automations just like the core products. Would that be possible
19 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Be able to repeat body stats and photo reminder
I love being able to scehdule photo reminders and body stats. However it would be great if I could repeat these just like i do with my workouts in the calender function.
For example, I would like to repeat 'take photos' for a client every monday. At the moment I have to go in one by one for each monday and add it.
Its the simple things that would make this software excellent
19 votesHi everyone,
We’ve just completed an upgrade to the calendar so it’s now fully drag and drop with more repetition options. Enjoy!
Ability to add multiple Training plans for a client. Being able to schedule them one right after the other so you can book out months ahead
Ability to add multiple Training plans for a client. Being able to schedule them one right after the other so you can book out months ahead
19 votes -
19 votes
Hi everyone,
This will be out in the upcoming upgrade. Looking forward to sharing this with you.
Create ability for trainers to make WORKOUT LIBRARIES for easy searches at a later date.
With the ability to make various libraries of workouts (categorized however a trainer needs, i.e. "30-min workouts" ; "Upper Body workouts" ; "Band/Bodyweight Workouts") a trainer can streamline their search for a past workout they created without having to scroll through a huge list of every single workout created.
18 votesHi everyone,
Happy to let you know that this feature is possible through our new Multiple Stacking Programs Beta!
To activate the beta, navigate to Add-ons > Integrations > Scroll to the bottom to find the beta.
Thank you for voting!
See PT appointments on Apple Watch for trainers
Ability to see today's appointments or upcoming appointments, similar to my calendar app
17 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can learn more about it: We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ability to view nutrition goal vs actual macros consumed graph
Would love to input dates and see overall how many calories/carbs/fat/protein they were over/under.
17 votes -
Send pictures through messages
Being able to message your clients and add pictures to the message so you don't have to use email to send a certain protein powder pic or food and have clients send pictures through message as well
17 votes -
With regards to the progression photos, from my point of view, I can only view 1 picture at a time. It would be good if you could put 2-3 pi
Allow the ability to make a montage with progression photos so that you can directly compare week 1 to latter weeks.
Also allow it to be shared on social media.17 votesGood news everyone,
This is in the new mobile app that will be released shortly. Please look out for our release e—mail.
Ability to customise log in screen with custom image & colours etc
Would be good to be able to customise the currently rather grey and dull log on screen with custom image/logo/colours to reflect individual business.
17 votes -
Link to external Resource Storage (pdf, e-books, recipe guides.)
I would love a place to store external resources for my clients such as an ebook or presentation to demonstrate a point for a phase or principle in the program.
Or recipe guides or quick start guides for my clients.
16 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!You can now drop shortcuts, PDFs and links in the app if you have a Studio or Enterprise level custom app.
Learn more about it here:
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
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