Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
375 results found
Add Samsung Health
Be user friendly to Samsung users.
848 votes -
Intergrate Samsung Health/Wear OS into the app
Being able to connect a Galaxy Watch to use the Samsung Health/Wear OS health tracking is a must.
616 votes -
Add Samsung Watch to your list of devices to connect with
Connect with Samsung Health and/or Samsung watches, specifically the Samsung Ultra watch
504 votes -
Health connect
Add access to Android health connect app so that any service connected to health connect can sync to trainerize. This way we don't have to wait for you to integrate every service (Samsung health, etc).
478 votes -
Connect with Samsung Health
Connect with Samsung health so we can pair it with this app.
152 votes -
Interface to Samsung fitness app (like the Fitbit app)
I use a Fitbit to track and absolutely love the idea of interfacing my tracker app automatically to the app for logging food and steps etc.
My partner also uses Trainerize but has a Samsung watch she uses as a tracker. This does not sync at all.Can this be developed?
195 votes -
App for the Galaxy Watch
This app is available for apple products but not Samsung Products. Can you add a Samsung health to your platform? It links up with my fitness pal.
343 votes -
Manual step entry if Samsung Health can not be supported and myfitnesspal doesn't transfer steps
If you are not able to work with Samsung Health or Galaxy watches and my fitness pal steps do not transfer. Then we need to be able to manually enter our steps. It is a disservice to coaches and clients to not be able to see those for a multitude of reasons. If we are "trusted" to enter workout, activity and sleep data, the steps should be a no brainer!! It's been 2 years (since Feb 2022 ) since the idea was suggested and highly voted on. Please help!!!
359 votes -
Connect to Oura Ring
My sleep tracking, daily steps, resting heart rate, as well as calories burned would be much more accurate if the app could connect to my Oura ring.
195 votes -
Samsung 6 watch
I can't find a way to sync my Samsung Galaxy 6 Fitness Watch?
65 votes -
To connect with samsung Actuve watch
I want to be able to connect and share data, but only have a samsung Active watch....
64 votes -
Add samsung heath and watch
Need to sync with android and Samsung phone and watchs
41 votes -
Connection to Whoop band
Sync with whoop to track and calculate musclar load
46 votes -
Whoop integration
Link to integrate Whoop data like Garmin, Fitbit etc
35 votes -
Oura ring sync for everything please!!!!
It's the absolute easiest and has everything please please create a way to sync my oura details to this app :)
20 votes -
Partner with Whoop!
Please partner with Whoop or Oura!!! I want to be able to accurately track everything!!!
20 votes -
Samsung watch and health needs to be added!!!
Please i would love to be able to link my Samsung Galaxy watch 5 to the app! It would make it so much more user friendly and I see I am NOT the only one wishing this! Come on , please!
35 votes -
Samsung Galaxy Health Support/integration
Please listen to the community using this app, and work on integrating automatic health tracking with Galaxy Health users! This would elevate the user experience for this app being able to utilize the wealth of data being collected automatically for our trainers to monitor us better. Between the Galaxy smartwatches & the new Galaxy smart ring, we need this integration urgently. Nearing 10k votes on other idea submissions; your users have spoken and there is a true need for this improvement please!
32 votes -
Connecting to Whoop
Being able to send data through from Whoop
22 votes -
Connect Oura ring and connect Whoop
I wear an aura ring and a Whoop device. It would be nice to have that data, including HRV to see it improve as you get more fit
25 votes
- Don't see your idea?