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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5648 results found

  1. Give 5 seconds to prepare for next exercise

    With the timed workouts, it jumps right to the next exercise right after the one that you’re doing is finished. Giving just five seconds would allow you to get in position for the next exercise, rather than having you scramble to get in position.

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  2. 6 votes

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  3. Able to edit lifting program before starting it not just during the workout.

    Ability to Substitute exercises prior to starting program so it’s already all set up when I want to start it

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  4. Interval/EMOM/tabata timers

    This app totally needs a timer! It would make it perfect. I hate having to open a separate app for this.

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  5. to sync with mi scale

    sync with Mi Fit app so that i can have my scale's info uploaded here too

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  6. A generic “activity” that we can customize

    Add a generic activity that we can title and customize in instances where there is not currently an activity listed to match. For example, “Extra core day” or “Extra Glute day”. It would be nice to be able to customize an activity and enter the appropriate data. Calories burned, time, reps, sets, weights etc.

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  7. Have prebuilt workouts for muscle groups

    It would be great to have prebuilt workouts based on muscle groups. Something like Chest or Chest & back, bis & tris… or even Push Day, Pull Day, Leg Day

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  8. Have an introduction video for Apple Watch

    Have an introduction video that tells you how the app works with Apple Watch and Apple Health

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  9. Road, Forest, Treadmill, Fuel, Water, Intensity

    Check off where you completed your run or walk
    -Forest Trail
    -Outdoor Track
    -Indoor Track

    Also add average pace to both run or walk.

    Fuel & Hydration during activity:
    Water in millilitres/oz
    Food in calories/carbs

    Environmental Temperature:

    Activity Intensity:
    -Easy Walk
    -Brisk Walk
    -Power Walk

    Continuous/Steady or Intervals (run/walk)

    -Easy Run
    -Steady Run
    -Tempo Run
    -Hill Training
    -Long Slow Distance Run

    Average Heartrate:
    Beats per Minute

    Comments/Notes Section:
    Participant may add their own notes on the experience in a short paragraph.

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  10. Position switch time added

    When the workout has a timer on it add a small duration of time in between to allow a person to make their position change. Currently the exercises are timed and go from one position straight into another one. Not allowing for position change

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  11. See rest times and notes in exercise history

    When clicking on an exercise to see the history, you can see the workout name, reps, and sets.

    Seeing rest times and comments/notes made on the workout would be helpful

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  12. Give the clock sound option so you don’t have to look at your phone all the time, like a bell when the 2 minute rest timer ends.

    Give the clock sound option so you don’t have to look at your phone all the time, like a bell when the 2 minute rest timer ends.

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  13. add a check mark on completed exercises

    Add int a check mark on completed exercises helps to easily start back without trying to remember where you left off

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  14. Make it possible to choose a favorite workout

    Adding workouts are a tedious task in the app.
    Make it easier to add favorites to choose from.

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  15. Make a PC app available on Microsoft App Store for PC

    Would LOVE to be able to use the app on my tablet. Unfortunately, the app is not available on the Microsoft app store yet! Please get that fixed!

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  16. Allow time to get in position for the next exercise when the timer is running.

    There should be 10 - 15 seconds to get in position for the next exercise.

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  17. Built in tabata timer

    Instead of just have single timers it would be nice to have a built in or programmable tabata timer right in the app so I’m not constantly flipping back and forth bw apps

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  18. 6 votes

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  19. 6 votes

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  20. Enable access to previous months of workout plans

    In the app I don't have access to last months workouts, only to the current month. Please allow to look up and schedule workouts of previous months.

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