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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5597 results found

  1. Add Samsung Health

    Be user friendly to Samsung users.

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  2. Intergrate Samsung Health/Wear OS into the app

    Being able to connect a Galaxy Watch to use the Samsung Health/Wear OS health tracking is a must.

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  3. Samsung

    SUPPORT SAMSUNG HEALTH AND WATCH!!! This has been being requested and most voted for literally YEARS now. I am so disappointed in the lack of concern from the app creaters. If my trainer didn't use this app I would never!!

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  4. Add Samsung Watch to your list of devices to connect with

    Connect with Samsung Health and/or Samsung watches, specifically the Samsung Ultra watch

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  5. Water intake tracking

    Add a water intake tracker to monitor fluid intake as part of a balanced nutritional plan. Hydration is an important aspect of fitness and wellness. Possibly integrate reminders, too, and encouragement when daily water requirements are met.

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  6. Search for recipes based on an ingredients

    Search for recipes based off of an ingredient you already have. Ie: you have a zucchini, so you search for "zucchini" and recipes with zucchini as an ingredient pop up

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  7. Health connect

    Add access to Android health connect app so that any service connected to health connect can sync to trainerize. This way we don't have to wait for you to integrate every service (Samsung health, etc).

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  8. Connect with Samsung Health

    Connect with Samsung health so we can pair it with this app.

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  9. show which muscle groups are being worked

    Have a description of what muscle groups are being worked that is readily accessible without opening a video.

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  10. It would be really great if we could clone/ copy a full meal from another day!

    It would be really great if we could clone/ copy a full meal from another day!

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  11. The ability to show what meals we can make based on what we have in our refrigerators currently

    It would be great if we could have a way to check what foods we currently have in our homes and reverse search the meals we can make from that.

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  12. Interface to Samsung fitness app (like the Fitbit app)

    I use a Fitbit to track and absolutely love the idea of interfacing my tracker app automatically to the app for logging food and steps etc.
    My partner also uses Trainerize but has a Samsung watch she uses as a tracker. This does not sync at all.

    Can this be developed?

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  13. Turn off the photo prompt when entering meals.

    Although its optional to upload a photo, put the link on the main page of the meals and not the first thing to pop up when entering meals.

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  14. Building a meal by adding ingredients together.

    When you cook a lot at home, you like to play around with the ingredients so just because someone’s taco soup says homemade taco soup it’s not sure that they use all the same ingredients as you have. So what I usually have to do is go and add all the ingredients I use for the pot to a meal, then get out a calculator and do the math to divide it into how many servings that is, and then go back and re-log all of it for a one serving. It just takes a lot of time and could…

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  15. Remember serving sizes

    Have the app remember the last serving size used in the meal tracker. Most people eat similar amounts of the same foods.

    This would speed up food entry as you wouldn’t need to edit the serving each time, just click the “+” symbol

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  16. Integrate Both Myfitnesspal WITH the in-app full meal tracking.

    I love Trainerize, but it seriously needs a Samsung Healh integration. Also, it needs to be able to use both/ in-app full meal tracking with Fitbit, Withings, Apple Health, etc.

    I appreciate and am grateful to Trainerize for allowing me to grow my dream business. Thank you.

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  17. App for the Galaxy Watch

    This app is available for apple products but not Samsung Products. Can you add a Samsung health to your platform? It links up with my fitness pal.

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  18. User friendly for Samsung Galaxy

    Please also make it samsung user friendly, not only am i not getting all notifications for the app even though all notifications are turned on. When i do get a notification i cant access the app, i have to manually go into the app then delete it from my drop down bar afterwards. Please also have it connect to samasung galaxy watches and samsung health.

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  19. Manual step entry if Samsung Health can not be supported and myfitnesspal doesn't transfer steps

    If you are not able to work with Samsung Health or Galaxy watches and my fitness pal steps do not transfer. Then we need to be able to manually enter our steps. It is a disservice to coaches and clients to not be able to see those for a multitude of reasons. If we are "trusted" to enter workout, activity and sleep data, the steps should be a no brainer!! It's been 2 years (since Feb 2022 ) since the idea was suggested and highly voted on. Please help!!!

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  20. Recipe builder/ adjust recipes in meal prep

    Please allow us to make a full recipe instead of doing all the math. It’s taking too long and I am using the 1st phorm app then transferring it over for macros. Also the ability to adjust the meal prep meals because my ingredients are different or I add more/different protein.

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