Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
5648 results found
Would suggest to have a voice counter to count the repetition of excersie done
Would suggest to have a voice counter to count the repetition of excersie done
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Not have the workout timer stop of screen isn’t up
Not have the workouts pause if the screen isn’t up
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Pre and post run quick add-ons to any workout
Options for quick pre-workout dynamic routine that can be added to any day’s workout; as well as some post run muscle TLC (tender loving care) routines, maybe some foam rolling or stretches.
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Ability to upload video of your form next to exercise prescribed by trainer
"Ever since we were together, you have been the only thing on my mind. I need to have you. If you feel the same, make excuses during team dinner and leave early. On your way back to your room, go via reception and collect the package waiting under you name. Open it, and follow the instructions within. Yours, Ryan"
Upon reading the note Sanlie's toes tightly gripped the floor, as she rested the back of her head against the wall and let out a deep exhale through her mouth. She felt excited, but also frustrated - who was Ryan to…
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Stair master setting needs to be in steps and floors rather than distance!
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Readiness to train section prior to each session.
Would be great to be able to rate how I'm feeling before each session. Sleep, energy, stress and DOMS.
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Rowing (machine) in activities or as exercise
What happened to the rowing machine option ?
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Customize your work out
My trainer often times will say “choose one exercise from below.” It would be cool, if I could pick the exercise and create my work out before I start. That way, I’m not having to scroll through a bunch of exercises I’m not going to do.
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Connect to HealthKit
HealthKit allows a user to sync detailed data of your body down to resting heart rate to measurements. It’s a game changer and a time saver as well
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Add more integrations for Zapier
Add more api hooks so that more things can be automated. Add more triggers and more calls to the API.
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Add more options for apps.
I use iFITNESS activity as a pedometer
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Create a female version for exercise videos
Add a version with a female trainer.
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Data collection relevant to machine
Make the data collection relevant to the machine. For example, number of steps for Stairclimbers instead of miles. It’s confusing.
4 votes
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