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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5648 results found

  1. Apple Watch

    Doesn’t always connect to Apple Watch! And if you accidentally cancel the work out when in the work out. The timer resets and won’t go back on the app like heart rate etc. Needs a bit better connection. Sometimes doesn’t connect to watch etc

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  2. Add sumsung health to the connected apps

    Add sumsung health to the connected apps

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  3. Body Measurements

    Make Body Measurements a Widget and more accessible. It’s arguably more important than weight. Also, I should be able to see all body measurements at once. It’s inconvenient to have to click each body part to see the measurements. You can display it the same way it looks when you enter it. I’d rather track that progress more regularly

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  4. Desktop Version - Add & Edit Meals

    Please could we have the ability to add and edit meals via the desktop version of the app?

    I not really sure why the functionality for this would be removed/overlooked.

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  5. Be able to alter the serving size like on cronometer

    I want to be able to cut a serving size in half of double it out triple it instead of having to enter it as a whole new food with a different size serving.

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  6. Cancelling your membership

    Allow members to cancel their membership whenever they want to.

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  7. Ability to edit payment method

    It’s absurd I cannot have control over my payments

    I should be allowed to block payments by my own if the collaboration with my trainer ends, not depending on their “manual activity” what if the don’t block payments?

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  8. Macros!!!!

    Track macros!!! The only way tonlose weight is a calorie deficit. How do you think your clients will benefit from not being able to track, see or otherwise monitor them??? I will never use this app again after my program with my trainer ends. It's the worst set up ever. We have social media. Stop. Just let us track macros. Also, look at all the comments calling for the same thing. Get rid of myfitness pal. It sucks.

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  9. Alphabetize Favorite Foods

    Have the foods in your favorites tab in the tracker in alphabetical order for ease of finding foods. Takes way too long to scroll through now which makes the favorites relatively useless.

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  10. See comments made from previous weeks workout DURING a workout

    Otherwise we have to get out of the workout, go into calendar, scroll up access workout... etc. Would be cool to have a button to view past workout comments mid workout.

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  11. Having a “heart”/love response in the group hub

    In the group Hub, there could be a heart response along side the clapping confetti thumbs up emoji responses

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  12. Have a search filter for classes

    I would like to filter classes by instructor, class type, LOCATION, day/time

    Especially location.

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  13. Auto play all videos without sound (so it doesn’t stop music)

    Gets annoying bc half my videos of excercises stop my music and I have to go in and out of the app to start it back up. Some videos auto play without sound so my music keeps playing and I can also see the excercise

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  14. Android TV or Google TV app

    Create an Android or Google TV app so I can access my workouts on my TV.

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  15. Nutricheck

    Is there any way you guys could incorporate the app nutricheck to track meals??

    I’ve used my fitness pal before but find nutricheck is a lot better, maybe just cause I’m from the uk.

    App is great btw

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  16. freestyle workouts should be saveable

    I wanna be able to save my freestyle workout so I can be able to add it to future days, rather than having to recreate it every time.

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  17. Add time between workouts to change position

    Automatically add [custom] time between all workouts to change positions (so the athlete can move from abs to squat, etc) and not lose time.

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  18. Vitamin tracker

    Add a more indepth vitamin tracker - Omega 3s, vitamins and minerals

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  19. Remove the need to close the window after you complete a task. The extra click feel frustrating

    Remove the need to close the window after you complete a task. The extra click feels frustrating, extra effort.

    Would prefer to just flash thumbs up then get back to screen to make daily updates faster.

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  20. Be able to enter your own steps or sleep cycle info

    If you have different apps you can't sync to trainerize, such as sleep data from sleep number, we should be able to enter it in ourselves.

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