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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1155 results found

  1. Make everything available online to edit.

    It's frustrating not being able to edit everything online from a pc. I don't want to be adding workouts and creating meals and doing all this tedious work from a cell phone. I want to log into my account and make changes. I also don't want to be 100% reliant on the trainer that I'm working with. I would like to have more options as I'm paying for the service.

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  2. Voice what exercise is next in timed workouts EVERY time (not just sometimes)

    If there is no rest next, or if the rest is short, it doesn't tell you what exercise is coming next. It would be good if it told you what exercise is coming up next before it starts. In some cases that would mean it tells you toward the end of the current timed movement.

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  3. Able to see the weights youve lifted tracked on a graph to show progress

    Able to see the weights youve lifted tracked on a graph to show progress

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  4. 2 votes

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  5. ability to have different unit types between workout and body stats

    Can we have the ability to log workout weights in kilos and body stat weight in pounds.

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  6. Don’t lower the volume on YouTube or my music playing in background when the timer is set on going and then when its going off on trainers

    The background noise cancellation feature is disturbing my music playing the background during workouts

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  7. Mute video music.

    Before the app we could mute the explanation video but now that option isn’t there. I don’t like the music playing over my music

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. Be able to edit workouts or substitute exercises without “starting” the workout

    Is nice to be able to plan your routine\workout the night before but to do that you have to start the workout (which starts timing) to be able to edit it e.g add remove exercises- then the document time it took to do the routine is wrong

    Not sure if this is because my trainer has my workouts and not me

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  10. Add an interval timer

    Allow me to start the timer and then it goes off on is own for each interval and rep instead of having to start manually for each rep or rest.

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  11. Include an option to add a note to individual workouts within a training session.

    It would be really nice to be able to put a note in under a specific exercise on my workout plan. It would be good to know I used the heavy band or the extra heavy band for band work. Also would be good to be able to write down if there was any modifications made. Sometimes I have to use a different weight on one side versus the other. Or it would also be nice to write down if an exercise was really difficult or if I didn’t like it or if I didn’t like it. And it would…

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  12. Client's ability to add Rest Days to their Schedule / Program.

    Client's ability to add Rest Days to their Schedule / Program. As a coach looking through their profile for check-ins, it's important they have the ability to add their own rest day; whether it's planned or not, to hold discussion for what might be happening during their week.

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  13. Necesitan meter mas programas avanzados para dar variabilidad. S3 o Full body 2 etc muchas gracias

    Necesitan incorporar a la app anual un mayor número de programas avanzados pues ya resulta um poco monótono. Step 3 o Full Body 2... etc. Muchas gracias

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  14. Move next exercise series to the top

    I wish the next exercise series moved up to the top so I don't have to remember the last one I completed

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  15. To have the alternative exercises. Some of the exercises I can’t do o use the machine because o hight o the machine is no available.

    To have the alternative exercises. Some of the exercises I can’t do o use the machine because o hight o the machine is no available.

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  16. Ability to shut off the thumbs up

    Ability to shut off the thumbs up. It’s one of the biggest things I hear from clients that they get annoyed with

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  17. Ingest all Apple Health activities so I don’t need to do double data entry!

    To make it possible for my trainer to see all my activity, you must ensure all my apple health workouts are also displayed in your app.

    Such a nightmare having to enter this manually!!

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  18. Family membership

    Having a Family membership that allows each member to have their own personal profile and do their own program independently.

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  19. Mobility

    Have mobility set up like the weight lifting.
    I am still using my old mobility routine bc I can't keep pausing the video, video also feels pretty rushed.

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  20. Get rid of the 60s timer that auto runs.

    When starting a workout with video a 60s timer runs instead of the timer of the video. This completely messes up the tracking of my heart rate, caloric burn etc because when I start the actual workout video it pauses the workout due to this other timer. Frustrating to see none of your effort was recorded after you did the workout.

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