Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
168 results found
average calories protein
Automatically calculate average proteins and calories for the week from whatever they enter in MyFitnessPal. PLEASE this would make life SO MUCH EASIER
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pork, ham, dairy with meat mix excludes needed to be in the exclude option since my brand is all about kosher
pork, ham, dairy with meat mix excludes needed to be in the exclude option since my brand is all about kosher
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My clients would like to be able to track fiber and water intake. Can we add that as a feature with meal tracking?
My clients would like to be able to track fiber and water intake. Can we add that as a feature with meal tracking?
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Condense and organize grocery list
Organize grocery list into categories:
Protein, produce, seasonings, ect.Condense grocery list, if two meals use chicken, combine the amounts for the ease of client to know the amount they need to purchase rather than list them out multiple times for each meal. Same with seasonings and other items.
Right now the list gets pretty overwhelming and practically unusable when there is pages of ingredients.
Happy to have the grocery list now and with these changes, it will be a very useful tool!
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Having a recipes tab on the dashboard rather than hidden under "discover"
Having a recipes tab on the dashboard rather than recipes being hidden under "discover"
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Intuitive eating nutrition goal
To have Intuitive eating nutrition goals for people who don't track calories or macros.
It would be awesome to have a nutrition goal set where once they log all their meal photos for the day they can check a box for hitting their goal.
I have been using the new challenges feature which is great - except that macro clients are able to hit their nutrition goal & intuitive eating clients can't.
My current work around is to have completing cardio the same point value as hitting your goal & having them mark general cardio session to get their points…
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3 votes
Schedule calorie changes
I would like to be able to schedule calorie goals for my clients. Say I am giving that client a refeed for the weekend, reverse dieting with them, giving them a diet break, or just adjusting their calorie goals ahead of time.
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3 votes
Share Custom Nutrition Plans
Ability to post nutrition products and programs to website
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An overview of what they have eaten for the week.
I would like to see a feature that shows an overview of what they have eaten for the week not just calories in/calories out and macros without having to go into each individual day.
For example a simple spreadsheet or something that shows their meals in one picture frame so that you can see if they're eating breakfast every day or what times they are eating or what foods they are eating to help with overall nutrition coaching and not just calories and macros
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Better filtering in meal Discovery
More filtering options in the Discovery / Meals. I have clients that won't use this because they have to scroll through too many meals/recipes to find what they are looking for. Being able to have a keyword search, or more filtering options specifically by ingredient, like chicken, eggs, tofu, etc. would be very helpful.
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Have client's calorie and macro goals set automatically on purchase according to their details
The idea is having product packages include automation for assigning habits, as well as setting calorie and macro goals similar to how you can automatically assign a training program. This would save valuable time setting clients habits and nutrition individually. Perhaps having an option along the lines of 'Set client at x% deficit/maintenance/surplus' as one of the workflow features in the package automation menu.
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3 votes
Caloric burn increasing caloric needs
If my caloric goal is 1400 for the day, and I go for a 10 mile run, then even to continue losing weight, I should/can eat more calories that day...have the caloric burn be able to adjust calorie needs (increase) for the day.
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Vegetarian portion guide
It would be great to have a protein portion guide for clients that don't eat meat.
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3 votes
Hide calories and macros for clients!
We should be able to hide calories and macros for clients but keep them visible for coaches. This way we dissociate the number from the food and can better the clients relationship with food. Coaches will still be able to see the calories and macros so we can adjust meal plans and work with clients to see what to add or reduce. This will make sure we build sustainable eating habits with our clients
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Nutrition Focused Programs
I am a personal trainer and a nutrition coach, and I want to combine nutritional content with educational lessons.
It would be great if I could design a master nutrition program that contains in-app lessons with links to videos I have created.
For example.
WK1 - Topic - Meal Planning
Day 1 - Why meal planning works
Day 2 - How to get started
Day 3 - Bulk batching recipes
etcI could then link these in with existing or new habits to track adherence.
All it would take would be to create a word document possibly with the…
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Allow NET Carb tracking
Allow clients to track NET carbs as well as TOTAL carbs for those who follow a low carb/ketogenic plan
2 votes
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