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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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299 results found

  1. Add auto save or button SAVE after completing a set or exercice

    I believe it’s really important to add a save button right after completing an exercise or implement an automatic data-saving system (using cookies or another method) as soon as the user enters data.

    Currently, if we accidentally go back from the "SESSION IN PROGRESS" page (where we input reps and weight during an exercise) to the previous "EXERCISE OVERVIEW" page, all the entered data is lost. This actually happened to me once, and I was really disappointed to see that my data wasn’t automatically saved. I was hoping to find it when I clicked back into the session, but everything…

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  2. Add a save button right or auto save (in app temporary memory) after completing a Set or Exercice

    I believe it’s really important to add a save button right after completing an exercise or implement an automatic data-saving system (using cookies or another method) as soon as the user enters data.

    Currently, if we accidentally go back from the "SESSION IN PROGRESS" page (where we input reps and weight during an exercise) to the previous "EXERCISE OVERVIEW" page, all the entered data is lost. This actually happened to me once, and I was really disappointed to see that my data wasn’t automatically saved. I was hoping to find it when I clicked back into the session, but everything…

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  3. Nutrition Coaching

    Add a similar feature to Cronometer Pro where coaches can make a nutrition plan and copy paste it for the entire week, making the food logging easier for the client as they meal prep everything anyways. They can then use the meal substitution feature if they want to eat something different / eat out/ order in.

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  4. Request for Multi-Language Support in Trainerize

    Hi team,

    I’d like to suggest adding multi-language support to Trainerize, including the most common European languages, such as Dutch, Spanish, German, French, and Italian. While Trainerize is an excellent platform, I’ve noticed that some of my potential clients face challenges using the app because it’s only available in English. This is especially true for older clients or those who feel more comfortable in their native language, and it often leads to losing clients during the onboarding process.

    Providing multiple language options for the app interface and automated messages would make the platform more inclusive, allowing trainers to reach a…

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  5. Integration with Loom

    For our check-ins with clients, we use Loom to go over their calendar, weekly intake, etc. Integrating with Loom would make this so much easier instead of having to go back and forth, then pasting the link of the Loom into the Trainerize messenger.

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  6. Clients use their trainerize app as their diary, where they can put in their work appointments, their schedule so easily slot workouts in

    If trainerize was able to be a clients ENTIRE diary, they would be able to manage their work load better.

    If clients could use the calendar as their place for managing their entire schedule. It would be a one stop shop for EVERYTHING going on in life. They can use it as their organiser for work, as well as life.

    They put in meetings and all things that would cause them to find it hard to balance their diary.

    Using trainerize as this would mean they can see easily all under one app exactly what is needed in each day…

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  7. Fitrings and Whoop bands

    I can see over 500 votes for these. How long until they will be added?

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  8. Hello, I recommend integrating with It’s an excellent nutrition app, especially for users in the Middle East. The current n

    I recommend integrating with It’s an excellent nutrition app, especially for users in the Middle East. The current nutrition app in Trainerize is not well-suited for Middle Eastern foods and needs improvement to better cater to this region.

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  9. Copy Les Mills Workouts into Programs

    It would be great to be able to copy workouts from the Les Mills On-Demand Libraries into other programs so we can schedule them on certain days for clients.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. Allow clients/coaches to download Rep Max data onto a Spreadsheet (Excel etc)

    This will allow us to compile the data from all of the compound lifts into one easily accessible platform. What we are finding is that as clients drop bodyweight, their strength naturally decreases - as a result, their lift data becomes inaccurate. With this in mind, we'd like to download their current data onto a spreadsheet and then wipe the data and essentially start fresh where they are at their new bodyweight.

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  12. insert informational guides/e-books for clients into a library

    a place like the exercise library but for guides/files etc the trainer created where clients can find everything gathered at once (for ex: a nutrition guide or how to learn the perfect technic etc)

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  13. Request Form for Kajabi-like Course Portal Integration

    I am requesting the integration of a course portal feature within the Trainrize app, similar to the functionality offered by Kajabi, for the purpose of enhancing the user experience for trainers and clients. This portal would serve as an area for trainers to host and deliver their digital courses, including video lessons, downloadable resources, and quizzes, within the Trainrize app.

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  14. I would like to put every client in but I don't want them to be able to see their training program. Especially if they train in person.

    I would like to put every client in but I don't want them to be able to see their training program. Especially if they train in person.

    If I had the ability to turn on and off what the client views, I would put more clients in and be able to track their food, steps, cardio, activity via their watch. Then I wouldn't have to worry about them taking their training program and thinking they can just train themselves.

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  15. Ability To Add Facebook Pixel To Trainerize Pay

    Embed a Facebook Pixel to Trainerize Pay to be able to track the amount of people who sign up as clients from Facebook Ads

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  16. Link to Oura Ring

    Link to Oura Ring! Many of my clients use this

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  17. Ability to create bookings for POTENTIAL clients on calendar (no need for Calendly)

    Many PT's use Calendly for booking clients. It would be great to not have to pay them and be able to use Trainerize to book potential clients meetings or consultations. This would save money and obviously more for us to spend on Trainerize as we grow ;)

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  18. MyFitness Pal is not a great product because it subtracts their estimated calories burned during a workout from the calories eaten

    I would love to see an integration with Carbon Diet Coach. It dials in their macros and it doesn't subtract their exercise calories burned from their total calories. MyFitness Pal subtracts so it's not a true measure of what they are eating. At least what I see on my side.

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  19. Integrate with Cronometer

    Create the ability to integrate clients Cronometer account/information the same way they can with a MyFitnessPal account

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  20. Malvorlagen – Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung der Feinmotorik, der Bleistiftkontrolle und der Hand-Auge-Koordination bei Kindern?

    Malvorlagen sind eine weitverbreitete Aktivität in der frühen Kindheitserziehung. Oftmals wird diese Beschäftigung als einfache, spaßige Möglichkeit betrachtet, Kinder zu beschäftigen. Doch Malvorlagen bieten weit mehr als bloße Unterhaltung. Sie fördern gezielt verschiedene Fähigkeiten, die für die körperliche und kognitive Entwicklung von Kindern von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Insbesondere die Feinmotorik, die Bleistiftkontrolle und die Hand-Auge-Koordination werden durch das Ausmalen von Bildern maßgeblich gestärkt. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die Bedeutung von Malvorlagen in der frühkindlichen Entwicklung, mit einem speziellen Fokus auf deren Einfluss auf die motorischen Fähigkeiten der Kinder.

    Lassen Sie Ihr Kind kreativ sein mit Tausenden kostenlosen Malvorlagen auf unserer Website…

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